Breakfast Bar - no legs

Discussion in 'Kitchen Fitters' Talk' started by Dmck, Feb 28, 2017.

  1. CGN

    CGN Screwfix Select

    As I said's basically a shelf! :D
  2. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    What has the OP said? If it's a shelf then no problem, if it's a projecting breakfast bar then....
  3. CGN

    CGN Screwfix Select

    Just a case of trying really Chippie. It's a chunk of chipboard on a couple of brackets masquerading as a breakfast bar. If it was the footings to an extension then...
  4. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    I too initially read it that way chip, then thought about it and saw it as a 1.5m long "shelf" ;)
  5. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    I'm not trying to denigrate the OP I just misunderstood from his description what he was trying to achieve.

  6. Same.

    Breakfast bar to me sounded impossible with brackets alone
  7. CGN

    CGN Screwfix Select

    He did say breakfast bar, I just happened to catch the bit about 400 deep. It's only Tuesday and I'm reading at a slower pace with a more boring frame of mind! :D
  8. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    I should have caught that.:)
    CGN likes this.
  9. Dmck

    Dmck New Member

    Sorry guys - yep it's basically a big shelf. 400mm projecting out off the wall for a 1.5m length. so I'll space the brackets at 0.5m and 1.0m.

    There's a 6mm pre-drilled hole in the brackets so I'll give the 6mm thunderbolts a go.
  10. Dmck

    Dmck New Member

    Or would a coach screw do the job?
  11. CGN

    CGN Screwfix Select

    Even a decent pozi head will do :)

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