Double flushing

Discussion in 'Plumbers' Talk' started by scott34, Sep 19, 2017.

  1. scott34

    scott34 New Member

    hi, I have the toilets with the push down flush, that's separated into two flushes one for no 1 and the second for well I'm sure we can guess. Now I know there meant to be more efficient or eco friendly but they don't fully rid the waste even when it's just pee. You have to flush again for the paper to go which seems to defeat the object of efficiency.
    And I'm not using loads of paper most times I do the Spanish technique of putting it in the bin.
    Is this just how they work or can something be done to make them more useful in what there meant to do?
  2. WillyEckerslike

    WillyEckerslike Screwfix Select

    It's not just the low volume flush that makes a difference - the design of the pan has a major influence as well. We have a cheap 'toilet to go' in a bathroom and that shifts anything with just the 'No 1' flush whereas a more expensive toilet downstairs requires you to push and hold either button to be sure of a thorough flush. That usually works though.

    Make sure that you have adjusted the inlet to achieve as much water in the cistern as possible and the short and long flush volumes can usually be tweaked. They do vary by make though.
    KIAB likes this.
  3. scott34

    scott34 New Member

    Thank you I will try that.
  4. Pollowick

    Pollowick Screwfix Select

    Even with just paper, I suggest that a full flush is used.

    Get the water level as high as possible to achieve max flushing on the full buttoon.
  5. teabreak

    teabreak Screwfix Select

    I rang the maker of my cistern (a well known one) the lady there almost admitted the low flush is a waste of time, she had the same one at home, most are just a sop to the eco warriors.
    My old cistern upstairs which has a modern dual flush is OK because the cistern holds more water than new ones and so gives a better flush, but the new cistern and pan down stairs are hopeless even after setting the low flush to it's max and slightly overfilling the water level.
    We just don't bother with it and use the full each time, you waste more by flushing several times than giving it a full flush first time:rolleyes:
  6. scott34

    scott34 New Member

    I think they are a waste of time. I do think it's to appease the environmentally friendly issues, but yet it's lost its meaning as you have to double or triple flush. And anything more than 1ply I square it can't handle it.

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