Filling Brick Column with Concrete

Discussion in 'Builders' Talk' started by John Patey, Aug 21, 2017.

  1. John Patey

    John Patey New Member

    I'm building four brick columns each approximately 320 x 320 which will be around 1600 tall and support a raised deck.

    I have bedded some short lengths of rebar in the footings and had intended to fill the hollow centre of the completed columns with concrete and add a couple of lengths of rebar to give additional lateral strength.

    I am now just a little concerned that the pressure of the concrete fill whilst it's still liquid could damage the brickwork. Do you think this is a potential problem or am I worrying about nothing?

  2. KIAB

    KIAB Super Member

    Don't make the concrete sloppy, just make it wet(damp) enough to hold together, then lightly tamp it down as you fill pillar.

    I usually wait a few days for pillars to harden off a bit before filling them.
  3. Isitreally

    Isitreally Super Member

    If you allow the columns to go off a couple of days before you fill them they will be fine.
    KIAB likes this.
  4. Pollowick

    Pollowick Screwfix Select

    Does it need to be fully concrete? What are you doing with the offcuts if bricks &c? Use those with some dry/slightly damp concrete once the main columns have cured for a few days..
  5. John Patey

    John Patey New Member

    Thanks for the advice, I feel a bit more confident now.

    Also, resting on these columns will be a timber beam made up from two pieces of 47 x 225 bolted together.

    Any suggestions how best to secure these to the columns and should I top each column with some type of cap stone / slab to spread the load from the beam over the entire column section?
  6. KIAB

    KIAB Super Member

    Should be able to get a concrete post support wide enough,or post shoe anchor base bolt down should work,& allow the beam to be fixed in place.


  7. jossbuttler

    jossbuttler New Member

    No need to use shoe anchor base bolt down you can do void filling with column with concrete.
  8. Pollowick

    Pollowick Screwfix Select

    I would have though he would have completed it by now and has no use for your company products.
    DIYperson likes this.
  9. jossbuttler

    jossbuttler New Member

    Thanks for the reply will keep it in mind.

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