Oil Change in Mini Digger

Discussion in 'Getting Started FAQ' started by Mick Daly, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. Mick Daly

    Mick Daly New Member

    I have an Atlas 640 Mini Digger and I think the wrong oil was put into it because it is jumping. I want to drain the oil, does anybody know how to drain the oil. Also, does anyone know how I can get the workshop/maintenance manual for this digger?

    Many Thanks
  2. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    Are you sure you have the correct name for the digger?
  3. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    When you say wrong oil, i assume you mean hydraulic oil and not engine oil.

    The wrong engine oil wouldn't make it jump around, but to heavy an oil in the hydraulics would cause it to jitter.
  4. Mick Daly

    Mick Daly New Member

    sorry, its a 604
  5. Mick Daly

    Mick Daly New Member

    thank you .I will check out the oil we used and see if it was the wrong one. thanks
  6. Ryluer

    Ryluer Well-Known Member

    Maybe not enough hydraulic oil in the holding tank.
    If the machines on a slope then the pump will catch air and be very jumpy. Can also be harmful to certain makes of pumps.
  7. sospan

    sospan Screwfix Select

    and the usual precautions with hydraulic oils on the skin

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