Overpainting Toupret filler

Discussion in 'Painters' Talk' started by DIYDave., Mar 26, 2015.

  1. DIYDave.

    DIYDave. Screwfix Select

    Hi all
    Picked up a box of powdered Toupret Exterior Filler for some repair work at home


    Appears to dry nice and quickly and sandable after an hour (dependant on thickness) but was surprised to see the instructions state paintable after 24 hours

    Seems a long time for a powdered filler to set / cure ? or is there some other magic that happens within those long hours ?

    I realise that its usually recommended to follow the manufacturers instructions but just wondered how critical it is to allow a full 24 hours before painting - Any input appreciated :)
  2. Mr. Handyandy

    Mr. Handyandy Screwfix Select

  3. Dave, it's probably a 'catch-all' recommendation as they have no control over how thick the layer of filler has been, so it's a 'worst case' scenario for a particularly thick layer.

    But, for the sake of a day, why would you challenge their recommendation? :) Patience, man.

    On a related issue, sometimes you have to be careful if the layer of filler you are applying is particularly thin; when done outside on a warm, dry day, the layer can dry out before it has fully set. I understand it chemically cures like cement, so if it dries before it sets, it might not achieve full strength/durability.

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