Painting patio flags

Discussion in 'Painters' Talk' started by mhd55, Oct 16, 2016.

  1. mhd55

    mhd55 New Member

    I live in a block of flats and one of the other tenants has spilt white gloss paint over our communal patio steps. Is there any way I can overpaint this to return them to grey - and which is the best to use? they cannot be changed as the landlord has says we have to sort it ourselves. The area includes some steps which get some reasonable use.
  2. enc

    enc Active Member

    were they painted prior to the spilled paint ? or are you wanting them returned to natural grey stone ?
    if you want them back to natural stone i'd suggest using paint stripper to remove the spilled paint (rather than painting them ... which youll need to do regularly in future
  3. KIAB

    KIAB Super Member

    Most of the water based strippers like Nitromores is carp now, & struggles to remove layers of paint.

    You need a good Dichloromethane (Methylene Chloride) like Langlow Strip Away Pro Paint & Varnish Remover, unfortnatly you can't buy it in the High street any more, so have to buy it online.
    Be careful with the stripper, it might lighten the paver abit, there a linky to the stripper in this thread.
  4. Mr. Handyandy

    Mr. Handyandy Screwfix Select

    Scrape it and electric wire-brush it, then scrub it with turps(for oil based) or soapy hot water(for water-based paint).

    Mr. HandyAndy - Really

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