Painting walls in sections, will it leave lines.

Discussion in 'Painters' Talk' started by CandleSniffer, Apr 13, 2015.

  1. CandleSniffer

    CandleSniffer New Member

    I am painting the exterior of my house. I am also doing work to the roof-line. As I am working on my own I will be pushed to paint a full wall in a day. Is it possible to get a good finish by painting a wall in sections. Surface is a medium textured render, looks like a fine combed trowel was run across the surface.

    Is there a method for blending areas painted at different times?

    Would one good coat applied with a brush be preferable to two coats applied with a roller.?

    Thanks for your time
  2. Since the wall has some texture, I reckon you'll be chust fine.

    Finish each section with random strokes, not in an obvious square block...

    Yes, if it was something like a smooth plaster internal wall, then emulsion paint would almost certainly show join lines, but this is different.

    I would personally go for the 2 rollered coats.
    FatHands likes this.
  3. Mr. Handyandy

    Mr. Handyandy Screwfix Select

    Spread the paint and feather it out to nothing towards your finishing edge.

    When starting again, do the same, feathering in. You never leave off or start off with a full coat.

    Mr. HandyAndy - Really
    FatHands likes this.
  4. CandleSniffer

    CandleSniffer New Member

    Thank you DA, HA for both your reply's, very much appreciated.

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