Smart meters, latest government scam?

Discussion in 'Electricians' Talk' started by seneca, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. seneca

    seneca Screwfix Select

    Just been reading an article saying that smart meters will be costing the consumer around £215 per year and saving them just 3% per year over a 15 year period!
  2. FatHands

    FatHands Well-Known Member

    Hi Sen,
    Can you share the link mate?
    I thought the idea was to save money!
  3. seneca

    seneca Screwfix Select

    FatHands likes this.
  4. seneca

    seneca Screwfix Select

    Sorry, it's £215 over 15 years but here's the link with all the info.
  5. big all

    big all Screwfix Select

    over the next 15 years the savings will be far greater than the costs without any one reducing there consumption
    they should deduct the money already set aside to do the "normal" meter changes that would happen anyway but will now be smart meters
    they need to also factor in the wage cost saved with most meter readers not required when the gas meters follow suit
  6. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    Government's good at introducing things that we have to pay for though. Smart meters where the cost of installing them is passed on to us through higher bills. Energy saving schemes like the feed in tariffs for solar panels. Guess who pays the feed in tariffs? Yep, US, the consumers through higher bills. The energy companies pay the rebates to those with solar panels by charging us without them, more for the same bloody energy. Grrrrrrrr, makes my blood boil.
  7. FatHands

    FatHands Well-Known Member

    Another fad! I wonder if the installers will be fitting isolators at the same time!
  8. Cheburashka

    Cheburashka Active Member

    I wonder how many unemployed meter readers there will be when everyone has a smart meter? More benefits for the the tax payers to contribute towards.

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