Taiwan Builders

Discussion in 'Builders' Talk' started by sospan, Feb 7, 2016.

  1. sospan

    sospan Screwfix Select

    Just saw on the BBC news that the building in Taiwan that collapsed had been "reinforced" with tin cans and styrofoam (polystyrene) in an attempt to save on costs. Even for the lax building methods of the far east and asia that is pretty extreme


  2. PaulBlackpool

    PaulBlackpool Screwfix Select

    Makes you wonder about the safety of foreign hotels in the far east.
    Miracle it stayed up that long.
    I bet the builder has long gone by now as they have the death penalty over there.
  3. stevie22

    stevie22 Screwfix Select

    The styrofoam is to form voids to lighten the structure and provide insulation. There is nothing at all wrong with the principle and ill informed headline grabbing comments in the media do our industry no good at all!!

    That is not to say that the work is done properly though looking at the picture there is nothing obviously wrong. The concrete looks to be pretty fresh to me so if I had to guess,I'd suggest that the wall may have been loaded before the concrete was properly cured. No concrete structure of any kind will accept overload before it has gained adequate strength, or try pushing a brick wall before the muck has gone off.
  4. Mr. Handyandy

    Mr. Handyandy Screwfix Select

    Are you blind?
    PaulBlackpool likes this.
  5. sospan

    sospan Screwfix Select

    No, probably just come back from subbing as an SE in TaiWan. ;)
    PaulBlackpool likes this.
  6. proby

    proby Active Member

    Poor quality work that, looks like tins you get milk or oil in.
    British Builder's would use top quality beer tins.;)
    That concrete looks very fine no gravel is that the norm abroad.
  7. PaulBlackpool

    PaulBlackpool Screwfix Select

    The original video says they are cooking oil tins.
  8. white noise

    white noise New Member

    looks like a cheap imitation of bubble deck.

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