Recent content by Ú¶

  1. Ú

    Self-service Checkouts

    That's really bad, I'd hate to live in Stevenage.
  2. Ú

    Where was the forum?

    You need to format your hard drive old son, It was working for me.
  3. Ú


    Oh awlriiiight, I'll swap my Golliwog (guitarist) badge and Edwd V111 tenner (FDC) for a boxed Mamod Traction Engine, the type that runs on meths, not those girlie-blousey fuel tablets.
  4. Ú


    " you think we could do with a swapshop forum on here.........." Naaaaaah, be sensible.
  5. Ú


    Sounds a great place, I'm outta here.
  6. Ú


    "I just can't see people plugging their kettle in a socket on the beachfront." Blimey, you know all the youthunisms, iiinnit. "And what about those who live further inland?" It'll prolly spread inland un'all.
  7. Ú


    Look, I'll be 138 in 2050, petrol will prolly be 7 quid a gallon and gayness'll prolly be rife in Brighton so who gives one.
  8. Ú


    2050? Like I'm bovvered.
  9. Ú

    Garlic Bread, Lip Gloss & Hair Straighteners.

    Don't forget the fishnet stockings and hedgehog entrails.
  10. Ú

    Dumb Yanks Part 2

    Go away now.
  11. Ú

    Dumb Yanks Part 2

    Naaaah, just myself.
  12. Ú

    Dumb Yanks Part 2

    Yeah, I faked a fart.
  13. Ú

    Dumb Yanks Part 2

    My missus gave me a fraudulent yank this morning, which was nice.
  14. Ú

    Go on, guess......

  15. Ú

    Go on, guess......
