Hi All, Have been asked to look into putting a Hive system onto a Powermax 155x boiler. Has anyone had any experience or useful advice of fitting...
Hi Peter, Sorted at last. I removed the flow regulator all together, put the pressure up to about 2.5 bar & fitted a service valve after the...
Thanks Peter, The pipework is easy enough to change, so I'll try that when Im there next. Will let you know how it goes. Thanks for your help.
Hi, Thanks for the reply. The mains is about 4 bar. I've got the reducer valve set at 1 bar closed, which drops to .5 when flowing. Would upping...
Hi all, Hope someone can help me out with this one. I've installed a school drinking fountain. It comes off the mains , through a pressure...
Thanks Pollowick, didn't know that, I'll give it a try.
Hi, I have a customer who has a Keramag wall-hung W/C with a crack in the pan. He wants it replaced. I've tried emailing them but got no reply. I...
Hi Folks, I need to get hold of some 40mm, oak, edge trim to go on a laminate worktop. The 2 part trim, with a centre section for hiding the...
Hi Folks, I want to fit a roof dome into the flat roof of a kitchen, which is about to be re-felted. Mainly to let in light, but as a feature...
Thanks Mr Puller. Looked at the link, any idea of the cost of these ?
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