Recent content by supersparky

  1. S

    How long should it take.

    i can give you some numbers if you like for that area, im in watford but not taking anything on, im not 100% sure if anyone is, everyone seems to be hectic but its worth a try e-mail supersparks97 "at"
  2. S

    My latest masterpiece....

    id be a bit concerned about the last of bonding more so with plastic joins on copper pipe as you have to bridge these to maintain continuety wheras with soldered joints you can use these as a reliable conductive joint. to be honest, id see the speedfit elbows and id think it was either a...
  3. S

    Incomer sheath Earth terminal (TNS Bond)

    involved the rec about 10 times this year, every time they change a cutout they stick a bs951 clamp on the sheath every single time 10/10 not one exeption thats across EDF southeast and EDF london
  4. S

    12hrs time it will be all over

    congratulations fooman, well done
  5. S

    Proposed Plan

    sunnly enough thats ny name and im also in hemel hempstead..... matt, loadsa shhhite sparks round here, you will need to know a hell of alot, its alot of effort. id say, go on the EAL course, go for limited scope/ domestic installer at most anything you dont feel confident of get a spark...
  6. S

    Meter Move

    your being ripped, i get em at £200 ;)
  7. S

    Plumbing Francise

    what a load of bollix. a franchise can be good granted, but, i think that if your any good, and self employed you will do 10* better hell, im one man band, vlients include, balfour beatty, local council, salvation army and local estate agents, pubs ect ect plus various small builders...
  8. S

    cylinder help please

    28mm? isnt that ususly used on gravity systems? ss
  9. S

    Boiler + Cylinder in attic ?

    Does WS know who he is arguing with here? Put it like this, if you win, ill buy my local drinks all round for the whole night. my moneys pretty safe.... also, 6mm cable needed? bet that is allowing for a "12 meter run" as with showers and allows the cable to warm = worried customer so...
  10. S

    Oil tank bonding

    (p.s. i think it will be quite cheep to solder the wire to the tank, insurance would be quite cheep- wont need to provide a nakid flame)
  11. S

    Oil tank bonding

    i know somone who could do it MaryWhitehouse let me know if required ss
  12. S

    Hey sinewave I saw you got made up at ATT

    ooooooooooooooooooo watch out lads flyin' toys! ss
  13. S

    ATT Site

    yep, i think the HDD is ok, got some more parts on order and thats all were waiting on really. shame cos i could have had a replacement within about an hour until recently! will be checking the HDD later. ss
  14. S

    ATT Site

    sadly, a rather large spike fried both PCs managed to bodge something together but it dident like being changed, took out the motherboard and CPU inthe server and the Motherboard and PSU in my computer, used a spare motherboard and now thats died. £330 later my computer is working £....and...
  15. S

    Estimate on a complete plastering of a 4 bed house

    Boogaboo, come an join then leave a message addressed to me, ill reply, am based not far from you, im an electrician, but can reccomend some people to you who you will have no probs with, sadly on the electrical side ive got a 2 month...