
  1. P

    Ledger board for decking

    Hi all, I've decided to build a deck at the rear of my propert but need some advice on the best fixings to attach the 6x2" ledger board to the wall. I've used 6x130 screws with 3x3mm M8 square plate washers behind each screw to leave a 9mm gap for drainage. The screws I've used have pulled in...
  2. Mountaindreamer

    How long to allow new larch decking boards to weather before treating?

    Hi I'm currently laying some larch deck boards, some I installed last week are already turning a lightly tan colour. The supplier of the preservative and decking oil, says to leave timber to weather for 2 - 4 weeks....does that seem right or is there harm in doing it sooner?
  3. Mountaindreamer

    Replacing decking boards with different thickness

    Hi, I'm in the middle of a project to repair my cedar decking. The sub-structure has deteriorated and most needs replacing, and some of the cedar is significantly worn at the edges. I'm trying to re-use as much as the cedar as possible, turning over and cleaning the underside will give it a new...
  4. O

    Ledger board for deck - fixings??

    Hi there, I'm aiming to replace a complete rotten and botched decking, and its not a huge space 2.5 x 3.2m approx. Numerous things I have to work around but one thing is the ledger board. I'm unsure whether to use coach bolts and Fischer plugs or masonry coach bolts. I had some 120mm M10 bolts...
  5. T

    Kiln dried larch decking spacing

    Will soon be laying larch decking boards, but I'm having trouble committing to an appropriately sized gap. They're kiln dried so I don't imagine they'll move as much as PT, and I've heard larch is fairly stable... Installing now when it's warm and dry, what's the minimum gap you can get away...
  6. C

    Subfloor for decking

    Hi all, Im looking for a bit of advice, im a competent DIYer with a fair bit of project experience, but just looking for a bit of advice on a decking area im looking to build in ky garden. This will be 4.5m x 3.5m against the house, and will be quite a heavy foot traffic area, with furniture...
  7. K

    What material to backfil decking edge with

    Hi There, I had an extension which has left behind a trench about 30 cms deep and 60 cms wide making it very awkward to get into garden. This little trench has a channel drain in front of the property and is tiled. It also sloping from both sides to get the water to the channel drain which is...
  8. M

    Little Patio Area

    Hi, we've a hardstanding just outside the back door that's a combination of uneven concrete and paving slabs from many years ago. It's solid but not level either but does allow surface water to drain away on to the lawn borders (that's fine). Was wanting to put a little patio area over the above...
  9. R

    New Deck Installation Crooked

    Currently in the process of having a new pacific mahogany hardwood deck installed. They have noticed after it has now been screwed down that half of the boards are bowed. They are going to unscrew and fix them by moving them slightly to get them to line up better. The question I have is by doing...
  10. P

    Block and beam construction for decking

    I'm looking for 'no wood' decking - so no wood whatsoever regardless of whether the wood is pressure treated. There are 4 x concrete pillars. The existing wooden decking is partially rotted. I came across this 'block and beam' construction for a suspended floor. A youtube video is here: ...
  11. Benjamin Dell

    Pergola beam span and weight too large?

    Hi. I’m building decking (3m x 3.5m) to hold a hot tub. I have 12 concrete footings with 4x4 posts in each one. Decking sits on the ground except two ends are raised about half a foot due to a slope in the ground. Decking will be finished in a couple of days and so i‘m now planning to build a...
  12. S

    Stripping decking stain - help please!

    Looking for some advice. I've got a wooden decking area, that's only been down a couple of years. Hadn't been previously treated and had turned green in places. Other half pressure washed it, used a well known brand decking cleaner for mould, algae etc, re-pressure washed it. Also tried...
  13. M

    Questions regarding joist size and board choice

    Hi folk, new to the game of decking though have some experience with studwork and the basics, tried doing my own homework on this but come up short with regard to some of the materials. Question one is regarding joist size. I'm planning a 6m(w) x 3m(d) x 20cm(h) deck and not sure what 2x(?) is...
  14. M

    Alternativel to deck boards

    Hi all. I have built a frame at the end of my garden. It will be in part for a shed but there is a lot 0f space around it. It's about 30 sqm and I can't really afford decking boards and not sure it needs that. What are the alternatives? I was thinking either scaffold boards, that I know I...
  15. Darren Biddlestone

    Paint Stripping Decking

    Morning everyone, What's the best way to remove decking stain from my decking. I've used a pressure washer which has done on OK job but would like it back to wood Cheers guys
  16. J

    Seamless bi-fold doors - Help needed!

    Really hoping someone can point me in the right direction after my builder is now being on long term sick and hasn't returned for 6 months. I have 2.4m bifold doors installed and from the outset advised the builder ideally I would like to tile inside up to the bi-fold runner and decking outside...
  17. S

    2x4 Decking Advice

    Hi, I'm looking to build decking and I've just ordered 2x4" joists (C16, pressure treated to BS8417) and want to make sure it's ok for my current plan or should I change for 2x6s or put in more support? The joists are within 30cm OC and have lots of noggins and raised by 40-60mm from the ground...
  18. M

    Decking Subframe Help Please

    Hello, I'm not a carpenter but I think this is the best place to ask my question. I want to add rectangular decking attached to my kitchen extension and one of the corners I would like to be rounded off (please see image below). I have never done this before and would like some advice on how I...
  19. S

    Wooden deck on composite joists?

    Hi, I have an existing wooden deck at ground level. The wooden decking boards appear to be in good condition but some of the wooden joists have rotted. I need to lift the deck and replace the wooden joists. Is it possible to use composite joists and to fix the existing wooden boards to these?
  20. S

    Laying decking beside a house

    I am planning a decking build that will span the length of our house (approx. 8 metres) and extend approximately 2.7 metres away from the house. I would also like to construct a shelter over part of the decking though to enable use in most weather conditions. The issue I have is that the sewer...