
  1. E

    How to clean fleas out of radiators ?

    So, we moved into a new flat and the radiators are filthy. The radiators aren’t the type where you just slide the side off, they have screws on top. I can’t figure out how to take it apart to clean it thoroughly so I’ve bought a radiator brush. The only problem is, the heating was broken up...
  2. N

    problems figuring out rad order in a small flat

    I paid to have a new boiler power flush and balance. On the day a chemical flush was used. A magna clean was also fitted. But they never balanced the system and stopped responding to calls. I include a picture of the layout. all pipework from the rads goes into corner boxes and up except the...
  3. S

    Radiator not getting hot

    Hi, I have one radiator in the house (not even on the top floor) that is not getting really hot, but we've realised now, that if we close other radiators on that floor, it gets hotter. So it must be that the maze of pipes (22mm and 15mm) wasn't probably done correctly and there is not enough...
  4. E

    How to remove these radiator covers?

    There are screws on top and I’ve tried loosening them and moving the sides up but I’ve had no luck. I was standing there like a fool for an entire half an hour trying to unscrew the tops, and almost broke my hands trying to slide the sides up. Surely I’m doing something wrong the insides are...
  5. A

    Radiator for bay window

    Hi there Ive put insulation on my bay window but was wondering is there a way to fit a horizontal radiator onto this curved bay window? Also through diy.com I worked out the BTU as 4610 but this seems high to me, does this sound right to you? The room is the living room See pics here...
  6. A

    Central heating issues!!

    Hi there all, I have been having some issues with the central heating. we could only uses one radiator effectively at a time. At first all the signs pointed to sludge build up. So I drained down the system, had each rad off the wall and manually flushed them outside. Refilled the radiators, bled...
  7. A

    Loft Radiators Not getting fully hot

    Hoping for a bit of assistance. I have two rads in my loft hot at the bottom but cold at the top. I have a vented system with 10 radiators in the system. All of the rads on the ground floor and first floor are working perfectly. The issue is the two in the loft. They are hot at bottom and cold...
  8. M

    Upstairs heating issues...

    Hi, I have recently moved into a 3 story terraced house built in 2011. When I moved in, the house utilised a danfoss heating system that I wasnt familiar with. Inside the airing cupboard (which is situated on the top floor) was a danfoss FP715 Si 2 channel programmer for heating and hot water...
  9. C

    Hole behind radiator

    We have been renovating our living room, took the radiator off the wall and have found this big hole. What is the best way to fill it. Doesn't have to be pretty as it will be covered by the radiator. Was thinking expanding foam and then just a light plaster over top? Any suggestions or advice
  10. S

    Dead radiator

    Any ideas on the following situation which is driving me crazy! Converted loft in daughters house 12 years ago: aged non pressurised boiler heated new rad and towel rail quite happily with header tank squeezed high. Fast forward a few years and daughter and SIL change to combi. Room is not used...
  11. E

    New radiators and balancing radiators

    Hi, Last week we had a number of radiators replaced with larger capacity radiators and one new one added because previously the heating system had been underpowered. When they were first installed (last monday) they were all warm except the large radiator in the bedroom (1600mm x 450mm t22)...
  12. D

    Radiator flow directionality

    I'm having one rad changed for two, with associated pipework. The flow and return arrive through the wall in the corner, one pipe above the other, at skirting board height. The two dads will be immediately next to that entry, one on one wall, the other on the other perpendicular wall. The...
  13. Dilligaf

    Glow-worm Flue Standard?

    My neighbour has a Glow-worm micron 40ff that may need the flue replacing at some point. Can anyone tell me are Glow-worm horizontal flue's pretty much a standard size? BG have said and I've heard this time and time again that they cannot get the parts anymore including the flue's but that's...
  14. Dilligaf

    Radiator Not Heating Up?

    I have had this problem for sometime now and people were helpful indeed on a previous post about this last year. I have an open system and 9 radiators in my house and one of them in the living room is proving to be difficult, I get heat at the TRV side but not the other and the whole rad is...
  15. P

    Replacing all radiators question

    Hi all, I have tried searching the forums but couldn’t find an exact answer to my question so hoping someone can help. I have recently bought my first home. It’s quite old and I’m going to have the radiators replaced with new ones. I want to get them prepped by removing all the old ones seeing...
  16. J

    New boiler - radiators not heating properly

    Hi - recently had a new boiler (Veissman 050W-30KW) fitted and have had heating issues since. Not sure if they're directly linked to a new boiler being fitted or not. It was fine for a few days but then the radiators started not heating. The ones upstairs (closest to the boiler) get some heat...
  17. I

    Drain valve

    Dear friends I had good advice in the past in this forum when needed so thank you. I m not a plumber so I probably struggle to explain the issue as well as I may not understand technical terms but I will try my best. I have ufh downstairs and radiator upstairs They are controlled separately...
  18. N

    Problems with radiators, do not heat up

    Problem started when 2 radiators were not heating. When balancing, I forgot to turn the boiler off. Now four different radiators are not heating. Boiler was running after I finished balancing but the pressure was zero. I have no idea now. I have drained and refilled the system, but it did not help.
  19. H

    where is the sludge :-s

    Hi there, after a bit of honest advice if i could. Have an open vented CH system with 11 rads on it. I have been getting cold spots to bottom area of 3 rads. Had a mag filter fitted & have been running x2 bottles of x400 running in the system but it doesnt seem to be helping. What I find...
  20. Aurelia89

    Remeha Avanta Plus not heating radiators.

    Please somebody help - I'm going mad with this. I have a Remeha Avanta Plus 35c which is not heating any of my radiators, but IS providing hot water from the taps. My boiler pressure was low after the heating was unused after the summer. I topped it up to the normal level at 1.5 bar but upon...