
  1. J

    After some advice for lean-to pergola for outdoor kitchen

    Can I please get advice and best practice on how to install a lean to pergola onto a summer house. Heat proof polycarbonate roof sheets will be installed retrospectively to make a water tight canopy for the outdoor kitchen. The predicament is how to attach the pergola to the summer house to...
  2. A

    Exterior PVC door canopy painting

    I’m looking to paint our door canopy white. When we got the survey completed it was stated as PVC and timber. However I want to be sure to get the right paint and prepare the surface correctly. Can anyone provide some insight please?
  3. PuddyCat

    Sealing VCL in timber summerhouse

    Do I seal (tape) my summerhouse VCL at the bottom to the floor? Or just staple?
  4. O

    Tiles cracking in outrigger kitchen

    Hello We are mid negotiation on a sale of a 1900s mid terrace. The outrigger kitchen has badly damaged floor tiles - any opinions on what the issue might be? Rising damp? It's hard to know, but thinking it might be solid concrete with no membrane? If this is the case what would be the next...
  5. S

    Timber planks for internal bench

    Hi all, Where I csn buy spmething like this - cut to size timber oak or something plan for bench? I found a place but the delivery to London is 3x cost of the piece of wood. Something like this... https://www.uk-timber.co.uk/custom-cut-par-air-dried-oak-boards Thanks.
  6. E

    Insulation / damp advice & remedies

    We have a standard 1950’s constructed brick and tile semidetached house. The first floor bedrooms are all dormer style and constructed in timber frame with plasterboard (foil lined) fixed to inside and cladding to external face. I understand from our neighbour that the timber frame walls are...
  7. C

    Subfloor for decking

    Hi all, Im looking for a bit of advice, im a competent DIYer with a fair bit of project experience, but just looking for a bit of advice on a decking area im looking to build in ky garden. This will be 4.5m x 3.5m against the house, and will be quite a heavy foot traffic area, with furniture...
  8. CCoomber

    Best noggins

    Hey, I may be overthinking this but what is there an optimal material and size of timber for noggins between joists? Thanks in advance. P.s. Links would be greatly appreciated.
  9. C

    Loft beam, can it be removed?

    Hello, I have a number of wooden items running from side to side in my loft. However, I am unsure if this diagonal beam in the picture attached is doing anything? For context, my very old loft satellite was affixed to it. Now, one side is in the brickwork attached to my neighbours wall and the...
  10. S

    Extending timber fencing posts by joining a new section of post to existing post

    Good day, I have some feather board fencing that I want to replace with longer boards to make a higher fence. There are currently 1900 mm high, 100 mm x 100 mm timber posts concreted into the ground, that I would like to extend to 2400 mm high. What is the best method to join the ends of...
  11. P

    Long span wardrobe shelf recommendations

    Hi all, So I built a wardrobe 6 years ago and the shelf has started to sag....mdf...surprised it lasted this long tbh. Shelf is 1.9m long x 50cm deep and only supported on 3 sides - 1 length 2 width, screwed down on battens. Can anyone recommend a material that won't sag under that span, and...
  12. S

    What is timber garage building paper likely to be?

    I have a quite large detached timber garage, built around 2000. I have the original building warrant drawings that list the wall construction as : "20 thk off saw lining with cover strips building paper 1 layer 9 thk exterior plywood nailed at 100 crs using 65 x 3.35 nails 150 x 50 framing at...
  13. C

    Joist hanger recommendations 8"x2"

    Hi, Does anybody have any recommendations for joist hangers for 8"x2" timber, attaching it to brick wall? What bolts do you use?
  14. N

    Name of playground timbers

    Is there a name for the kind of timber posts you see in playgrounds that follow the natural shape of branches, just smoothed and filled? I'd like to buy some for a garden project but not sure what to google!
  15. M

    Replacing a Floor - Best Material for Tiling

    Hi all, first post. I’m currently doing a job on my house where we’ve moved the kitchen and knocked together three rooms. The intention is to tile the floors (suspended timber) with natural stone, we’re looking at 15mm limestone. Before going out for quotes for tilers I’m hoping to get my head...
  16. DIY_Dobbleson

    Where to buy Timber?

    Hi! This is a potentially very silly question but where is the best place to buy timber? I'm looking at building a workbench as I've just started a carpentry course and renovating a house, I think it would be invaluable. Is Wickes the best place for it? I feel like there is a trade secret...
  17. D

    Making bed slats

    Making my own double bed and considering the bed slats first. Which bed slats are better for a very firm mattress for good back support...sprung slats or solid flat slats? If solid flat, I have a few 21mm floorboards lying around, some have been exposed to rain and warped but should be okay...
  18. P

    Shed timber - avoiding overkill

    Looking to build a very small pub-shed and curious about timber sizes when you compare forums with what you can buy ready made. DIY shop sheds seem to be fence panels nailed together, whereas proper shed suppliers use 2x2 frames widely spaced, yet forums usually suggest 4x2's at 400 intervals...
  19. T

    Engineered Flooring and DPM

    I need to lay floating engineered timber flooring on top of concrete that smoothed over old footing (due to an extension). Most of the concrete is very old (do to an old extension) and a part is a couple of months old (as i made the old extension larger), but it is not that deep. There will also...
  20. S

    Roof timber rot ?

    Hi there, We’re in the process of buying a Victorian property, and noticed some discolouration on the timber in the loft holding the roof up. See Dropbox link below for images. Was wondering if anyone had a thoughts on how serious was? Thanks, Sam...