19th Jan 2019

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by Allsorts, Sep 18, 2018.

  1. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    Your head is not a 'country', chip's.
  2. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    So, you must concede , these new voters do not constitute “ everyone who voted in the last referendum? “
  3. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

  4. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    Doesn't exclude them either.
  5. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    How do you reckon a ref held now would fair, Longs? Seriously, honestly - what is your understanding of the most likely outcome?

    JJ can answer too.

    And 'arry.

    And CGN.

    Oh poo - anyone can answer.
  6. Allsorts

    Allsorts Super Member

    Heat can even answer for NI... :rolleyes:
  7. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    No, it's a wonderfully filled universe.:D:D
  8. CGN

    CGN Screwfix Select

    As you assume me to be a brexiteer, and therefore xeniohobic, then it is very easy to dismiss that there is a demand for housing, whether short or long term. I was just suggesting you could help take the strain off many councils who are housing immigrants in travel lodges.
    Jord86 likes this.
  9. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    The basic statement, “ everyone who voted in the last referendum “ is misleading though. You’d make a good politician DA. Probably should throw your lot in with Labour though ( that’d be your only way to get elected into government, because the Lib Dem’s just ain’t got a chance. :););)
    metrokitchens likes this.
  10. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    The most likely outcome would be shackled to a fast failing EU, joining the Euro, and having to pay our share of the mess that follows the failure of their great federal experiment.
    longboat likes this.
  11. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    You dont have a valid link then?
    OK. That's fine, I didn't for one moment expect you had.

    "The most likely outcome of a second referendum"?
    In all honesty I think remain would win, given the PROJECT FEAR MK 6.0, or whatever the tally is now.

    The longterm consequences however, I think would be far more damaging to a supposed democratic, sovereign nation in that, large swathed of the population would fail to see the point in voting for anything ever again.

    Just as the, EU like it.
  12. HarDeBloodyHarHar

    HarDeBloodyHarHar Active Member

    Inexperienced! Full stop.
  13. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    Tell ya what DA, I’ve just returned from Tenerife, where many shopping malls have been built using EU money ( they are proud to point this out on the billboards outside) Trouble is, some of them have been built in the middle of nowhere. One, Parque Santiago 6, has some great shops, but very few customers. So few, that many retailers are considering moving into Playas Las Americas to pay more rent for similar sq footage, because they’re losing money due to the lack of footfall where they are at the moment. Within 5 or so years this retail complex will be empty and disused. ( no guesses who’s paid for it though ( and no it’s not the locals either))
  14. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    Margret Thatcher encouraged council's to sell off their housing stock but forbade them from building new council houses, this policy has continued with successive governments and combined with property developers greed has resulted in a lack of affordable housing.
  15. HarDeBloodyHarHar

    HarDeBloodyHarHar Active Member

    Black hole more like!
  16. Mmouse

    Mmouse New Member

    Straws grasping at, we’re leaving
  17. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    I saw the reference too, it popped up on the phone but I didn't read it.
  18. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    I agree with that too, jj.
    I've 'liked' it to see if the europhile pathetically takes the bait again.
    Bless, he thinks he has a point when commenting on who's liked a post rather than the post itself. Awwww.
  19. fillyboy

    fillyboy Screwfix Select

    Did you not manage to buy your council house then chippie?, or if you did, why would you begrudge someone else the privilege of owning their own home?
  20. Mmouse

    Mmouse New Member

    Housing would be affordable if the workshy got of their bums and took a job

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