2 Way switch from Unswitched Fuse spur


New Member
Hi, I’m trying to install a new baton light (no previous lighting) in my garage.
Ive installed an unswitched fuse spur from a socket and have some external lights working fine from a timer switch.

next I’ve installed two 2 way switches linked by a 3 core, I have the supply coming in from the unswitched fuse spur and the supply to the batten light all coming into the first switch.
I’ve wired up as per online diagrams however the light will only stay constantly on without the switches working for anything

I’ve wired: supply Live into L1 (as well as the live to the light and also to the second switch) I’ve connected the neutral from the spur to the neural of the light. Then finally I’ve connected L2 to L2 and com to com through the 3 cores to each switch.

thanks for any help!
I have wired it up as attached - please can you recommend the correct way? The light only stays on


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