50 amp supply to garage

Discussion in 'Electricians' Talk' started by Mr PEA, Jul 23, 2024.

  1. Mr PEA

    Mr PEA New Member

    I plan on purchasing a new compressor which requires a 45amp supply.
    So to air on the side of caution I want to run a 50amp supply from my house to my garage at the end of my garden.
    The cable will run 10m from the consumer unit to reach outside, then 25m underground ( within a buried pipe) then a further 10m within the garage.
    What cable is recommended?
  2. Refuse to Bend

    Refuse to Bend Active Member

    SWA I should imagine.
    techie likes this.
  3. Bob Rathbone

    Bob Rathbone Screwfix Select

    Going to be a 50 metre run, that's quite long. Without any calculation, my gut feeling is 16mm 2 core or 10mm 4 core with the cores paralleled to give an effective 20mm. Do not use the earth from the house in the garage, I do not know the supply type you have, use a local earth electrode and a 30mA rcd in the garage CCU. Other solutions are available if you care to design the circuit fully.
    Ind spark likes this.
  4. Refuse to Bend

    Refuse to Bend Active Member

    Doesn't necessarily need an electrode in nearly all circumstances the house earth can be utilised.
  5. Bob Rathbone

    Bob Rathbone Screwfix Select

    I included a caveat to cover that possibility.
  6. Ind spark

    Ind spark Screwfix Select

    It does come in at 16mm I was thinking maybe 25mm when I first read it, nice one Bob :)
    Bob Rathbone likes this.
  7. Mr PEA

    Mr PEA New Member

    So, 16mm SWA 3core ?
    Sadly Screwfix only list 25m in 16mm
    Will my sparky fit that in the consumer unit?
  8. adgjl

    adgjl Screwfix Select

    So, you need to go to a wholesaler and get a cut length of what you want, as long as you are convinced you have the right conductor size. Remember, “too long” is better than “too short”.
    Mr PEA likes this.
  9. techie

    techie Screwfix Select

    Maybe a good idea to ask your sparks-if you have one
    Mr PEA likes this.
  10. Mr PEA

    Mr PEA New Member

    Hopefully someone more intelligent can confirm that. But from what I've been reading on various posts within the forum I think that 16mm is more than adequate. In fact I thought I'd kind of concluded 10mm should be fine but a few of you here advise not. As I said i know nothing really.
  11. Mr PEA

    Mr PEA New Member

    Haven't got one yet. I've been given contacts, which I'm waiting to hear back from. In the meantime I'm just researching really.

    Further thought..
    Would it be easier to join the SWA cable to regular cable once within the house? Routing the SWA through the house will be very difficult ?
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2024
  12. adgjl

    adgjl Screwfix Select

    With my “other hat” on, if you really do have a 8kW compressor, you should advise your DNO, as that is likely to take a couple of hundred amps on startup. They may wish to limit the number of starts the motor has per day, as well as the timing. In a residential area you could well be affecting the quality of a lot of your neighbour’s supplies. Alternatively, they may insist you have a three phase supply.
  13. The Happy Builder

    The Happy Builder Screwfix Select

    Mr PEA likes this.
  14. Mr PEA

    Mr PEA New Member

    I get your trail of thought but it's 6Kw and has "Sequentially starting motors allow the unit to be run from 230V single phase power supply (45Amp minimum)"
  15. Bob Rathbone

    Bob Rathbone Screwfix Select

    Use 16nn 2 core, the provision of an earth over this length is an expensive and unnecessary extravagance. Go down the route of a local earth electrode and a local 30mA RCD, it will save money and give an installation that no one can criticise for being unsafe or risky.
    jimbobby likes this.
  16. Coloumb

    Coloumb Screwfix Select

    The steel will still need to be the equivalent cpc required size and I doubt the cost savings will be significantly less once the cost of the rod, pit etc are included.
  17. Refuse to Bend

    Refuse to Bend Active Member

    Providing the armour does not need to support main protective bonding derived from a TN-C-S system then the armour can be used as the cpc.
  18. Bob Rathbone

    Bob Rathbone Screwfix Select

    Yes, as is often the case with most SWA installs. It's just that I have a thing about distributing the house earth as disconnection times for the external installation, and the hot tub that comes later, may not be met.
  19. Refuse to Bend

    Refuse to Bend Active Member

    I think you need to get up to date regarding disconnection times.
  20. malbec4

    malbec4 Screwfix Select

    Have a look at soft starting. No high in-rush current. Plus I read that the compressor is 6 kw, which really roughly is about 30 amps. With soft starting, it's only the 30 amp running current that you need consider. Apart from fault current, means of earthing etc...

    Only problem being is initial cost of soft start. But it's worth looking at.

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