Ahh what's the government to do ? Tax increases for only those people who voted to leave the corrupt EU ? Do you honestly think that only Leavers would be hurt more than Remoaners? You really believe that?
Don’t be sorry allsorts or whatever you reincarnation is these days, I appreciate you are a busy chap and you chose not to read to the end of my post, ironic really when I assume you expect the good people on here to wade through your frequent diatribe, Anyway as usual you missed the point, I did not accuse anyone of scouring the net let alone yourself as you have assumed, I will not impinge on your valuable time by asking you to read what I said but anyone that does will understand. Up to now ( yes early days I know) the only ones willing to answer my questions are the leavers, and answer they did in an intelligent and adult way which is what I expected, but let’s see.
Leavers - from the lies that drove the campaign, to the breaking of electoral law, to the swindling of the 'pairing rule' by chief whip Julian Smith, to the murder of Jo Cox, to countless episodes of racist abuse. Remainers - Geldorf's 2 fingers.
yer. i guess it all started when the perpetrator(Cameron) absconded faster than DA in a forum, a bat out of hell!
DA didn't abscond, he was thrown off in disgrace for a month for being a vile nasty piece of work, his henchmen kept their heads low but have recently been emboldened to return now he's back. Yuck.
If this fictional second referendum that many remainers are still hoping for, were to return a leave majority, do you really think they would accept the results? Not on your nelly. They'd demand a third just in case people have changed their mind, then another and another, ad infinitum. You see, these people aren't Democrats, they would rather keep us tied to a political entity that very few of us have any kind of meaningful say in, as long as the leaders say what they want to hear during the rehearsed media presentations, and bung em a few quid of their own money for a new art installation. Like the fluffy, doe-eyed eejits they are. The thought of an eighteen year old drama student in a pink hat calling them a 'fascist' or a 'nazi' absolutely terrifies them. They know fine well how the, EEC has evolved over the years and the likely direction it's heading in, but anything, even complete capitulation is preferred over the wrath of the PC brigade.
Absolutely. One can only imagine the hissy fit that ensued when trying to log in only to find his entire life had been put on hold for a month. He must have been livid.
DA actually went on another forum ( which shall remain anonymous ) claiming he wasn’t forced to leave, but asked SF Peter to change his name to “ deleted member # xxxxx. ,,, whatever. ,,, ,, Deluded doesn’t even start to describe him.
Oh aye, I bet he was angrier than Anna Soubry. Her sciatica is almost as bad as Jean Claude Drunkers.
DA will never accept that Junkers was * up on free champagne though. Much preferring to believe he’s a frail old man. ( yeah right, so why haven’t the EU retired him yet? Ohh, just remembered,, they can’t)
Anyone with her condition would embrace sciatica (jkd) with open arms if it would alleviate the symptoms of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. I genuinely feel sorry for her, and her constituents.
Wow, the children have come out to play What a staggeringly infantile bunch of posts. Multi-liked as a knee-jerk reaction, clearly not on merit.