Acceptable gas pressure drop between meter and boiler?

Be fair wetneck. I spoke to the company on Friday, they promised to arrange for a visit on Monday or Tuesday and now it's Wednesday PM and I've heard nothing. I've been as good as gold considering I've paid handsomely for an undersized gas pipe!
Be fair wetneck. I spoke to the company on Friday, they promised to arrange for a visit on Monday or Tuesday and now it's Wednesday PM and I've heard nothing. I've been as good as gold considering I've paid handsomely for an undersized gas pipe!
I've no problem with revealing who the company are in due course, once the problem is resolved.

It just would have been better if they'd come round on Monday or Tuesday as they promised, put their hands up to the problem and agreed a date to resolve it.
Same attitude that caused the problem in the first place, I suspect.

He must surely have realised the pressure was slightly below par - at the very least borderline - at the time, but his pig-headed attitude prevented him from owning up, thinking instead he could get away with it.

He seems equally reluctant to treat it as serious even now.

When will twits like this realise they'd earn far more respect if they just owned up and said 'look, it's borderline, I'm not happy with this - I'm going to make certain it's comfortably in the safe area...'

And continuing to bury his head in the sand leaves you with even less confidence in his manner and ability.

Bottom line, it looks like he's putting his fragile ego before your safety and convenience. Lousy attitude, lousy service. He's an arshhh.

After this is resolved, I think you have a responsibility to report him to Corgi (at least), and anyone else with an interest.
Sadly, I have reported the company to CORGI. I initially reported the apparent problem to the company last Thursday so they have had a week to (at the very least) pop in for 10 minutes and take a look.
Good. That's what they are there for (or should be) - to protect you, not us. When RGIs get properly punished for shoddy work the rest will get a better reputation. And WS will have one less thing to moan about.
Don't hold your breath waiting for CORGI...they ain't much better :(
I fitted a WB 37 CDI in my own property mate and had a run of 16 mts with various bends and elbows. I too had to start off in 28mm, to allow the maximum loss of 1mb between meter and appliance. The gas engineer should of carried out a gas rating (as well as the inlet pressure check) of the appliance while running at max rate ie, DHW mode (required on the Benchmark logbook). It's ok saying it is running fine, until one day you need to use your 2 year warranty and WB find your appliance was under gassed (18mb min), so not commissioned properly!
Sorry, I read it that he reported it to the company last week and only CORGI today. I would expect CORGI to be on the case, and get someone out within a week. Give em a chance....
Mr Ian. That is correct. I reported it to the installers last Thursday by faxing the Worceseter B report to them with a covering letter. I spoke with the installer the following day and (grudingly) they promised to get in contact to make arrangements to visit on Monday or Tuesday (they have got my landline number & 2 mobile numbers to phone me on, so no excuses!). I've not heard anything, so exactly a week (almost to the hour) after reporting it to the installer, I lodged a complaint about them with CORGI.

The CORGI website says they will attend with the installer and check the works. If CORGI check the works and find it all to be fine, then I will humbly apologise to the installer, but that seems unlikely. (Not heard from CORGI so far, but the complaint was only submitted late yesterday afternoon so don't expect to hear much before early next week).

The company is about 10 man strong and is located around 3 miles from my house. It can't have been that hard to get someone to pop in during the last week.
Oops, sorry Mr Ian - completely mis-read it.:(

Gordon, I take it you are without heating and hot water because of this? And the company hasn't sent anyone to sort it in over a week?!!! This makes even BG look good.

Don't forget to mention to Corgi - should they decide to attend - that a new regulator was fitted since the original installation, so the pressure at the boiler was actually 2mb less than anything measured now!
