I didn't mean conflict as in open warfare, hopefully that could become something that's looked upon with a sense of bewilderment and fascination by generations hundreds of years from now.
Maybe at least for a good period of time, people will become accustomed to peace, (as in no military warfare) but conflict and disagreements will surely always be a part of us?
Who will govern the people?, who will keep us in check and lay down the law?
What would happen to those who disobey?
How can we create a global society where everyone is equal? Some will collect household waste, and someone oversees them, and up it goes to the head of the authority.
How could it be possible for 7 billion people too all be content and wealthy enough to collectively resign themselves, to a life of peaceful bliss?
I, too, find it impossible to believe we could have actual warfare between us on our continent. But yet, but yet that is exactly what happened there just over 20 years ago.
And not a 'dignified' or 'fair' or 'justifiable' fight remotely following the Geneva Convention. No, it was marching into villages, separating the menfolk from their women and children and taking them out to dig their own mass-graves. While the womenfolk were raped en masse.
20 odd years ago. With people you could holiday with and would have described as warm and welcoming.
So, is it impossible it could happen again? Of course not.
Witness the rise of the far-right in Europe right now.
What would happen if the EU did fragment (apart from Phil, Mr Ha and a few others cheering)? And all the respective governments move - as they surely would - to the far right? And trade deals broke down so it was every country for itself? And another recession occurred (almost inevitably)?
Don;t imagine for a second that us 'Brits' are above all this. We are not.
This is a pure and simple truism - the vast majority of those who voted for 'Leave' did
not do so from reasoned research into what was the best for Britain's and Europe's futures. No, it was based on "I don't want bludy johnny foreigner telling US what to do and bludy immigrants taking what is ours".
Pure simple jingoism coupled with a natural suspicion and, yes, hatred, of anyone different.
And over half the population voted like this, the vast bulk of whom gave it no more thought than this.
We are fodder. Simple brainless fodder. Easy pickings for a 'charismatic' figure who spouts glibisms and tells us lies.