Article 50

Who were the IRA fighting?

Anybody who disagreed with them, hence why the killed people who were not directly involved.

But their ultimate aim was for an end to English rule.

But you said it wasn't the IRA, Or are you back tracking again.
No you didn't, you said most Muslims were not dark skinned.
I didn't mention the IRA I said it was a war between white Christians which had killed more Britons.
Spit it out man, what war are you referring to?
The suspense is killing me.

Drum roll, ratter, tat, ratter, tat, ratter, tat...............
Anybody who disagreed with them, hence why the killed people who were not directly involved.

But their ultimate aim was for an end to English rule.

But you said it wasn't the IRA, Or are you back tracking again.
Not only the IRA, buck me Phil you are one thick ignorant ****, they were fighting the loyalists who also killed anyone who disagreed with them.
Between the pair of them they killed more Britons than Muslims have since the crusades.
On the colour scheme of Muslims it's about 50% African descent and 30% Asian.
I don't have a problem with this but you seem to.
So as i figured, the IRA, well in total over a period of 28 years the IRA were responsible for some 3400ish murders, nearly half of these were soldiers, about 10% were Europeans, leaving about half British citizens, still think Muslims have killed less?????

As for Muslims being any colour?????? You started it, by stating they were dark skinned, I personally don't give a **** what colour they are, if they are killing peeps they are scum.
You are still only mentioning the IRA rather than other combatants.
I was suggesting that more Brits had been killed by white Christians than by dark skinned Muslims because this is true.
Can you come up with anything that disproves this?
Spit it out man, what war are you referring to?
The suspense is killing me.

Drum roll, ratter, tat, ratter, tat, ratter, tat...............

Really, Longs?

I'm a bit ashamed of you for such a facetious post. From Phil, Mr Ha and a few others it would be no surprise. But, really.
More Brits have been killed by white Christians than white Muslims but this is so self evident I didn't bother mentioning it, more people have been killed by their trousers.
Really, Longs?

I'm a bit ashamed of you for such a facetious post. From Phil, Mr Ha and a few others it would be no surprise. But, really.
I think Longs is just on a wind up for his own amusement, the alternative is that he is a thick, racist idiot.
Have another look, only the IRA was being mentioned as causing casualties.
Try to be less one sided in future.
What war are you referring to? No straight answer for what, 10 replies?

Mr. HandyAndy - Really
It was obvious what I was talking about, how many conflicts have there been in Britain recently, if you're so biased as to only see the IRA as opposition then that says a lot.
As I said I was in the Army at the time and they were trying to kill me but I don't have a problem with that.
Have another look, only the IRA was being mentioned as causing casualties.
Try to be less one sided in future.

So fighting back counts as murder ok.

Don't try the old one sided game here, otherwise you'll look silly, Mr Blair has the blood of Thousands on his hands, whether they're British or not.