[b]NICEIC Domestic Installer Scheme[/b]

Bright Sparks

New Member
I have just received the niceic's domestic installer scheme application pack, so i can self-certify and comply with part p of the building regulations.

The bottom line is:-

They want a non-refundable application fee of £345 (£325 if paid by direct debit).

Re-assessment, if required, will cost £175 for first year then £225. (A reliable source told me "They always fail you first time")

An on-going annual fee will be payable, currently set at the same level as the application fee £345. (how convenient)

Okay they do throw in a copy of BS 7671 (got one already and) and a copy of IEE site guide (funny, also got one of those) and technical advise as well.

I think its a little expensive and will wait for other accredited bodies who can offer self-certification.

It also states in item 5 of the NICEIC check list " The Government plan to make the offer of a consumer warranty a legal requirement for self-certification. Acceptance of this requirement is mandatory"

Why don't the NICEIC admit that they don't really want these self-certification schemes, hence their rather steep £345 fee.

I'm sure they were hoping that the government were going to tell us all you must join the NICEIC or be deported to siberia.

Forget that last remark, has anyone got any constructive views on the Domestic Installer Scheme.


Bright Sparks
I have just received the niceic's domestic installer
scheme application pack, so i can self-certify and
comply with part p of the building regulations.

The bottom line is:-

They want a non-refundable application fee of £345
(£325 if paid by direct debit).

Re-assessment, if required, will cost £175 for first
year then £225. (A reliable source told me "They
always fail you first time")

An on-going annual fee will be payable, currently set
at the same level as the application fee £345.
(how convenient)

Okay they do throw in a copy of BS 7671 (got one
already and) and a copy of IEE site guide (funny,
also got one of those) and technical advise as well.

I think its a little expensive and will wait for
other accredited bodies who can offer

It also states in item 5 of the NICEIC check list "
The Government plan to make the offer of a consumer
warranty a legal requirement for self-certification.
Acceptance of this requirement is mandatory"

Why don't the NICEIC admit that they don't really
want these self-certification schemes, hence their
rather steep £345 fee.

I'm sure they were hoping that the government were
going to tell us all you must join the NICEIC or be
deported to siberia.

Forget that last remark, has anyone got any
constructive views on the Domestic Installer Scheme.


Bright Sparks

Welcome to the forum Bright spArkS=BAS aka shed head?
I too received my pack from those very NICe people on Monday. All the spin is about getting rid of The lone Ranger and Tonto and even Trigger, and how are the going to do it, by ensuring everyone is qualified to a very high standard namely 2381 !!!. So you spend 10 weeks at night class and bingo your in, That's going to cut a load of ( I can join two wires together so I'm a sparks ) people out isn't it. 2391 should be the minimum requirement to be able to self certify IMO. And what is this consumer warranty all about they don't give any details like how much is that going to cost. I'm going for a lay down on the couch and ask me self some searching questions ( now that I can self certify ) Let me see " How vell did you get on wid your muder ? "
After writing this I think I think I do need some help, only hope the trick cyclist has the right quals LOL

Forget NICEIC - the arrogance is looking out of them.

I had the unfortunate task of phoning them a few weeks ago (to purchase one of their publication) and I spoke to probably the most stuck up, cheeky, arrogant ***** that ever needed a good spanking.

The ECA/SELECT are half the price, run better, cheaper courses and speak nice on the phone, like we do with our customers.
Well, I'm not joining any of em but am carrying on trading.
Fatscott and his mob can make what they want of it.

Stuff em.

I'm with The Trician, I am qualified time served after full apprenticship, I work part time for my self when not for the NHS as a medical equipment technician.

The NIC EIC think every one should join there merry band, as far as I can tell the OPDM has not yet given the power of self certification training/assesment to anyone, although they seem to favour the Electrotechnical assesment scheme developed in association with the ECA.

The government documents clearly state that you will not be obligated to join any club (nic eic/eca) or union to be able to self certify your work or indeed the work of others.

At the prices mentioned they can all **** Off ,this scheme will not be in operation by the October deadline or else the Building Control Officers will all be so busy certifying electrical work they'll never see a bit of building work again!

On a lighter note I don't think this scheme is a bad idea but consideration should be given to sparks who have the appropriate city and guilds/NVQ 3. Lets tighten up when the scheme has taken off

You are wasting your time and money applying for the domestic installer scheme. For a few extra quid you can apply for full membership. Domestic installer LIMITS you to that in the eyes of the NICEIC, whereas, applying for full membership automatically qualifies you for domestic installer as well. Take another look before applying and consider the full member route. Same hassle, better credentials!

I am thinking about it CPW. Not quite ready yet...

Let me know when, contact me at, chubbyphasewire at yahoo dot co dot uk