lol. here is a spring reverb


and in digital


ferkin hell good ferk redice to them.
Its all to do with the distortion (or the lack of)

Spring reverb has nothing to do with distortion. Distortion is a either a controlled overload of a power amp Aka Marshall 50 watt master volume head is a prime example, or done by other numerous other methods ie....incorporated into the amp or by effects pedals etc.
To hear an example of distortion in the extreme listen to heavy metal music. This is a prime example of distortion. However distortion is derived from sustain in a loose way. Sustain is not distortion however (but I am open to fire on that one) but is classified as overdrive.
YOU Wrong thrERV x
cor WISH -0I could speak LIKe the CaPTAIN
SPring Reverp Marshall
Experts PLEASE
I tried the name change ,BUT when I returned to my original name ,then postings with my new name changed to my original name?

There seems to be two JPs for instance
One is a complete wa nk er
The other is much better
Answers pleaSE Or TALK TO THE hand Cr FrXXX

Strange magic

X is Poss yOu Wrong Prxxx
The spring reverb unit resides in certain makes of


Yes it does but reverb is not distortion. The best spring reverbs are found in valve amps ie Marshall/ Orange/ Laney etc. These amps have overdrive which loosely can be classed as distortion and you can input the spring into the overdrive. But on its own spring reverb is not distortion as such. However the inputed square wave and how it is manipulated?......
Listen to Jimi Hendrix at the Isle Of Wight Festival. Long gone but that is a prime example of not so much as distortion, but overload/sustain. The chap has never been successfully emulated.
However the inputed square wave and how it is manipulated?......

The wave is originally sine-you-sod-all. Distortion makes it more squarer.
However the inputed square wave and how it is

The wave is originally sine-you-sod-all. Distortion
makes it more squarer.

I think more peaky.
My reference to distortation was based upon the event where the spring not being isolated (or hidden) from the large amount of ambiant db .

Thus inducing a kinda feed back loop..

In a studio or test lab is one matter, but on stage the distortion is mega problem.... however, as already stated this type of (its all gone tits up waveform) can be used to create / stumble upon a unique sound (thats a swine to try and repeat)
"EL84 please" "yes certainly young man" and diamond needle please for a TC8 pick up." ah jumpers for goal posts ,what
Will someone tell me when we near 100, so I can dive in for the ton, cheers boys. ;)
My reference to distortation was based upon the event
where the spring not being isolated (or hidden) from
the large amount of ambiant db .

Thus inducing a kinda feed back loop..

In a studio or test lab is one matter, but on stage
the distortion is mega problem....

Distortion is not a mega problem on stage. You have choices on your amp and how you use it. You can overload the pre amp and create distortion that way. You can feed a processed distorted single into the pre amp (effects pedals) you can overload the power amp and create an overdrive which has a sound all of its own, Eric Clapton etc. The feed back loop is relevant mainly to microphones....however the feedback loop can be used to good effect if you put a guitar etc in front of the amp..this however is controlled feedback.
The spring being hidden from ambient db I do not understand.
"EL84 please" "yes certainly young man" and diamond
needle please for a TC8 pick up." ah jumpers for goal
posts ,what

Is your audiophile system valved Lokkars? Because if it is you sure have good taste.
If you must then provided it is outside zones 1 & 2 and not subject to splashing then a directly wired RCD/fused connection unit. Even better if they bought a fixed type hair dryer .