Bazza spark tribute

I'll bear it in mind I'd probably want an ECG before I was sure it was dead LOL

If you cut the nerve going to the brain it's pretty much as dead as it's ever going to be, I grew up with meat shot on Friday evening hanging in the cupboard over the weekend with their clothes still on, that leaves you with a sense of responsibility toward eating living things, and I have to say a degree of guilt in doing it at all when there are alternatives.
Italy was a meat revelation for me, they eat very little meat and only the highest quality, that creates a culture of respect for the living animal, Italian farmers brag about the way they treat animals, nice thing, healthy people.
"Thanks to Sparky Steve, Astramax, Kools, Arrow and those that wished me well. Your thoughts are really appreciated. Thanks to Bright for starting the post and to Indy for staying awake long enough to read it. I may NOT be here, but could pop up on another forum. Watch for the chopper lol. Thank you guys!"

Thanks guys!

Saw him on another forum....he said hi
As a newish member the forum feels friendlier already which can only be good as the in-house fighting was a cancer which weakened the forum. Dead wood has to be cut out to encourage growth so this can only be a positive.
Dead wood has to be cut out to encourage growth so this can only be a positive.
Bazza-spark was a well liked and knowledgeable member for many many years. It is not a positive thing calling him deadwood, especially from a newbie on the forum.
He will be missed by the regulars and people asking for advice, he is the one who is not the deadwood.