BBC bias

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by Harry Stottle, May 13, 2019.

  1. Muzungu

    Muzungu Screwfix Select

    This can possibly be explained by confirmation bias; the innate tendency for people to take note of information that confirms their pre existing beliefs or prejudices and to dismiss, or even just not notice, that which doesn't. This doesn't mean the BBC is not biased one way or the other.
  2. peter palmer

    peter palmer Screwfix Select

  3. Broon

    Broon Active Member

    I never watched it but the BBC were slated by pro Indy in Scotland during the Indy Ref. All media source are most likely to be a certain way inclined no matter how impartial they try to be.
  4. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

  5. peter palmer

    peter palmer Screwfix Select

    I'll concede that the Daily Mail isn't unbiased, since they got a new editor recently they have completely changed stance from pro leave to pro remain.
  6. Bollerks

    Bollerks Active Member

    Now owned by Trinity Mirror group - the labour party publisher.
  7. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    Not according to Forbes.
  8. Bollerks

    Bollerks Active Member

    Great to see Hew Edwards crying into his glass of water every time a light blue 'BX' symbol came up on the results screen last night!
    Baxi Boy likes this.
  9. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    You're being unusually quiet on this and your nationality Bollerks.
  10. Bollerks

    Bollerks Active Member

    Good to see the BBC being taken to task over their eu elections coverage, not that it will change anything, since they really enjoy their regular eu 'bungs'.
    Baxi Boy likes this.
  11. spinlondon

    spinlondon Screwfix Select

    Why shouldn’t they employ their wife or near relative to do something they are qualified to do?
    Bollerks likes this.
  12. spinlondon

    spinlondon Screwfix Select

    That’s just politicians in general.
    What about that Lord ugly bloke who did Phantom of the Opera.
    Been a Lord for years, only turned up once to vote on something that affected him.
  13. Bollerks

    Bollerks Active Member

    Self-evidently because it smacks of nepotism. It doens't look good in the Public Eye and the Public are paying for it.
  14. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    That's a big assumption right there. How do we know an MP's husband/ wife/ son/ daughter etc is actually qualified ? ( ahh we just simply believe the MP employing them )
  15. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    But that's one of the reasons Farage lost half his wages.
  16. Diyloser

    Diyloser Active Member

    You keep saying this, try and use facts and not a remain logic to get the wrong answer, like remain got more votes in the EU elections.

    Farage was docked half of his monthly pay until he had paid back €40000.00, this would have happened by September/October, based on a MEP's wage of around €102000.00 a year.
  17. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    I'm not sure what point you're trying to make but why did he have to pay back the money?
  18. spinlondon

    spinlondon Screwfix Select

    It’s not an assumption at all.
    I’m asking if the wife or close family member is qualified to do a job, why shouldn’t an MP employ them to do that job?

    Personally, I would always go to a family member or friend to get work done that I don’t feel able to do.
    It’s not because I think they’ll do it cheaper than some stranger, it’s because I’d rather give the money to family or friends than to someone I don’t know.
  19. Diyloser

    Diyloser Active Member

    I am sure you're not that stupid so I'll put it down to you just being a remainer and not actually wanting to understand the truth when its presented to you.

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