Best car you've owned?

Rover 600, on my 3rd now, reliable as fu.. . Told by an AA man, they're "bulletproof". Sadly didn't do them after 99.
Toyota Hi Lux pick up.


As featured on Top Gear etc etc

Now use Toyota Hi-Ace vans for the same reason.

Most fun car was a 1970 Mini Cooper but that is another story.......
1970s Mini Coopers were great,but you had to put your coat over the seat back & steering wheel otherwise the seat bashed the back of your legs when you were shaggin'. ;)
The old memory(apart from other things)ain't what it used to be, but I'm sure that it was too cold & wet to do it out side.B-)
Matra Simca Bargheera.
Fibreglass body, mid engined, two twin choke Webers, three seater.
Utlima Sports - Kit car I built with Rover V8 engine, sold it after a year as it was a bit too difficult to use
Best vehicle I've owned was a motorcycle though, Motoguzzi S3. Got my eyes on Lavada Jota
Hmmm that dates you - must be a seventies biker originally? started on a FS1E, then a Kwacker 250? then a 400 four maybe?
...and the worst car was a brand new ( 1992) VW Golf GTI. It was so unreliable that after numerous breakdowns in six months and many electrical failures VW took it back.
Yeep very much a seventies Biker - rather a serial buyer/seller from age of 18 to about 25. I think I got through
Honda CB175
Dresda Triton 650 (bought in a fit of madness, sold after 3 months)
Suzuki T500
Suzuki GT750K - water cooled, purple, twin drums at front - worth a fortune now if I had kept it)
Kawasaki Z900
Honda GT750 4 cylinder
Dresda GT750 (bought Dresda frame and crashed Suzuki GT750 water cooled and built bike)
Moto Guzzi 750 S3 - best bike ever owed
Yamaha 750 Shaft drive
Gave up biking when Yamaha wasnt used for 6 months - got soft and did not like getting wet.

Ideal bkie would have been a bright red MV Augusta 750 America - remember when this was about 5k - could have just afforded it then, now expect they are silly money . So its a 4k Jota to rediscover my youth. Only trouble is I've got a house to build first. When its complete I might treat myself.