No, we joined the European union to get something out of it; in 1973 we joined because the member countries peoples had a better standard of living than we did. On April of that year VAT replaced purchase tax and everything bought by the working man went up in price, whilst luxury goods came down in price, it already was not working out the way we thought it would. We joined for a higher standard of living. Greece joined because it felt threatened,understand? I know what I'm talking about.
I think we both agree on the whole Labour and Conservative and the countries financial issues. I still don't think Cameron is an idiot lead a terrible campaign which was all doom and gloom but in fairness to talk people in to saying no which is negative from the start. Then you have what all leavers call project fear. It was a terrible tactic to use make people fear leaving so they will stay. I don't know how many of you kept an eye on the Scottish Indy Ref a couple of years before it but they used project fear on us and it worked to an extent but then they had to offer the vow which totally tipped it in their favour. They ran a very similar campaign for Brexit but couldn't do anything like the vow. Another major difference is the Yes in the Indy Ref peaked to soon so they could react where people thought that we had stayed in the EU until the early hours of the morning. No chance to react. So he ran a similar campaign to one before and you say he didn't have a plan he clearly did 'jump ship'. I honestly don't think the deal matters as any deal will damage us some ways more than others but what ever we get all the leave supporters like Boris and Nigel will say that's not how they would of done it. They have turned this in to a big game where they always come out smelling like roses.
1973..........2018 Try a comparison. Why are you so cynical, Crows? Cynical to the point of being silly and misleading?
Absolutely no comparison DA, in 1973, we joined the EEC. A trading club, nothing more, nothing less. Fast forward to 2016, we’re in the EU, a completely different beast. More bureaucracy than we had in 1973 for starters. More laws and regulations placed upon us. Even as I type, more and more Europeans are seeing the EU for what it is and want to leave. ( almost all of them amongst the “ net contributors “) . It’s a fast failing social experiment. Of course the EU don’t want us to leave,,, Why not? They’ve realised just how much the U.K. contributes to keeping faceless bureaucrats, living in the style they’ve become accustomed to.
Not at all DA. Did we not join a trading club in 1973? Tell me what it has become then. More than a simple trading club, methinks.
You're absolutely right JJ, often misguided remainers say we only voted for leave because of immigration, but there are other reasons too, including as you correctly point out, the money that we pile into the EU every week with very little return, loss of sovereignty, stupid rules, fishing quotas, ECJ etc. Your point about keeping faceless bureaucrats in soft jobs with high pay is equally valid. Well said and spot on, roll on next March and Independence Day.
Take a one-way ticket JJ. Seriously, we cannot go on with this level of intentional ignorance. The EU has given us a world-stage position in politics, wealth, security, improved standards and health and consumer protection, ...- ohwhat'sthepointoftryingtoreasonwithbigots.
Thank you Harry. By agreeing with JJ you have confirmed my point. Anyhoo - ask JJ to ask his fav plumber - who we both acknowledge as being a completely solid bloke and utterly honest (which he is) - what he found the main reason for Brexit was.
And while you usual suspects are at it, take a wee break from 'liking' each other at every possible opportunity and tell this forum what you think of your fellow u-s, Deleted member 11267's, description of all immigrants as 'excrement'. As I recall, the silence from the u-s was deafening. Harry, I know why most folk voted Leave. And it's also why most would still do so. Their bigotry and hatred for 'others' drives them. That's it.
I didn't think I was being cynical Dev's. Oh, right it's because I'm suggesting that people only do things for economic gain. OK, point taken.
It was the arrival in the UK of vast quantities of east Europeans, much more than the UK could cope with that swung the leave vote, especially amongst the older generation, along with the fact that they can remember the dramatic increase in prices of everything after we joined back in 1973. Who knows perhaps it will reverse when we exit
The 'stuff' you mention is certainly a contributing factor, but that's all. I don't know how much Greece spends on defence, but I do know that their regular army is greater in size than the British army, and they have a population of only 11 million.