As always you know that isn't how this issue came about, you pernicious little devil, you. You know what Crows claimed. You know that's what I poo-poo'd. You know how Filly then moved the goalposts right out the field. You know how you then tried to find summat to latch on to, obviously having to run with Filly's mucho-weakened point since Crows' was just so plain silly, but that didn't stop you trying to pretend it was still the main issue. It's just so slimy and devious. Do you think we're stupid? I'm sure it earned y'all a goodly number of 'likes' tho'. I'm going to have to shower now. Yuck.
It is bizarre what happens to Longsie come late evening time. Is it hormonal, I wonder? But the nastiness. The bile. I wonder if it's an attempted release from self-loathing? My gawd, so many Leavers are utterly disgusting individuals.
Filly weighs in saying the amount Greece spends on defence could be a contributing factor to their present troubles. NOTE, it isn't 'the' reason, but maybe it didn't help matters. Chippy replies with a disconnected 'quip' that's unrelated to the post he's supposedly replying to. It isn't. DA, weighs in stating that Filly is ignorant for claiming that the defence budget may have been a contributing factor. DA, confirms his own self prescribed dose of silliness and ignorance. He made his own rules. No one has targeted the blame on the defence budget, apart from, crows. You then attributed that claim as being the claim of others for no other reason than that it fed your ingrained bigotry. When your stumbling behaviour was pointed out to you, you then, in the typical, DA fashion' tried to slither out of it by blaming everyone else.
I take it you disagree then. Do you consider telling lies and untruths to be a somewhat noble endeavour? Attempted character assassinations are a justified means to an end? Is that it.? Truisms are now deemed 'nasty' in your world.
No, I think you have severe mental health issues, I think you should, as a matter of extreme urgency, seek medical help. Don't delay, this is not intended as an insult, I'm genuinely trying to help you.
Checks time - yup, that explains a lot. Longsie longsie longsie, you know that's not the way it was, ye wee daftie. It was exactly as I pointed out in #101 - incidentally the room to which you belong. It follows the Trumpian scenario - one rabid u-s says summat completely silly for which he's picked up on by rational folk. A fellow u-s comes along to try and defend the indefensible, but - since it is indefensible - they do this by (what they imagine is subtly... ) altering what the rabid said from 'the cause' to 'the main cause' (still very silly). And then the braying sidekicks come to try and back this up as if sheer numbers somehow makes it 'fact', ejaculating numerous 'likes' all over each other in the process. All to try and detract from the daft initial point made by the fellow rabid. Phew - what an effort you put in. It must drain you dry. Almost admirable in a way. Only kidding - it isn't. It's pernicious. And slimy. Literally & meta.
I believe some Leavers are utterly disgusting individuals in their blatant racism and xenophobia, and the slimy lies they use to try and justify it. I know a few. Nothing attempted there Longsie, oh thee of whiter-than-white...
A partial what? Don't be such an imbecile. You know exactly what I think about your constant whining.
Tell us why teachers leave the profession, JJ, and then do youknowwhat. You are the last person on here to take anyone else to task on nasty insinuations. I hope your fav plumber isn't reading this.
I don't see why I should be goaded into a battle of wits with you. I find it quite distasteful to fight unarmed opponents...