Brexit. What are the benefits?

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by chippie244, Mar 18, 2018.

  1. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    I hope DA is respecting my wish for this to be a post for the leavers to express their point of view because I don't have a clue what they want and believe.
  2. fillyboy

    fillyboy Screwfix Select

    for a free trade deal with Europe, there will be a sovereignty trade off, what and to what degree I have no idea, nor does DA.
  3. Oh...oh...oh... :(
  4. Bob Rathbone

    Bob Rathbone Screwfix Select

    Thanks to the inability of our Politicians to adequately explain what Brexit will mean to us, I don't have a clue. I voted out because I did not vote to join, I have no idea if I am right or wrong, just fasten the seat belt and enjoy the ride! to oblivion, or not!
    btiw2 and Deleted member 33931 like this.
  5. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    Thank you Bob.
  6. ENOUGH of the f'n 'thank you's!

    Gawd - it's sooooo 'PC', innit. :)
  7. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    Stick it up your rrr's :)
    Deleted member 33931 likes this.
  8. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    What sovereignty trade off filly ? Do tell please. ( before DA beats you to it) The only trade agreement the UK has at the moment that impinges on our sovereignty, is our membership of that corrupt European trading club. ;);)

    Ohh, mind you, under their rules, that’s the only trade agreement we are allowed.
  9. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    It's not a trap. I want to hear the leavers opinion and they seem very shy about giving it, I don't think you're a leaver but there are parts of the EU you don't like which is fair enough. There are parts of it that I don't like too.
  10. facilities

    facilities Guest

    Ok I’ll start with these

    We could decide who comes into our country

    Our courts would have the final say over those laws

    We wouldn’t have to accept decisions forced on us by other countries

    We would retain our sovereignty

    We’d get our money back

    We could make our own laws again

    We wouldn’t have to listen to, or fund, the European Commission
  11. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    Thank you facs
  12. btiw2

    btiw2 Screwfix Select

    That’s a good idea. To be clear though, I wasn’t posting things I thought were benefits to me.

    For the things that I value, remain best aligns with them. But I’m not so myopic that I can’t see how other people might value things differently.

    Whether remain is better than leave depends on what the individual voter wants. It’s like arguing whether a pickup is better than a corsa - it depends on your needs.

    It’s a shame when people are “mis-sold” benefits though. If the Brexit debate were regulated then many politicians would be sued.
  13. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    I understood that and it's good that you can think from somebody else's point of view
  15. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    Bog off and start your own post :):)
  16. Ok. But it'll be mine, ALL MINE!

    chippie244 likes this.
  17. Isitreally

    Isitreally Super Member

    I take it my contribution didn't arrent a thank you then. :(:(
  18. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    Thank you Iir
  19. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    Sorry, I missed it :oops:
  20. fillyboy

    fillyboy Screwfix Select

    Any trade deal we sign (not with minor countries) will involve some trade off of sovereignty, any organisation we join will involve a trade off of sovereignty.
    For example, by being a member of NATO, we are legally bound by article 5 of NATO to come to the aid of fellow members to defend them, this overrides uk law, so we lose a 'little bit' of sovereignty. Same if we walk away and revert to WTO rules, wto law will take precedence over ours, they will rule on disputes, we lose a 'little bit of sovereignty'.

    It's not a biggie and certainly not what some remainers (DA) would try to have you believe.
    btiw2 likes this.

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