I think even though fishing is a very small part of our over all GDP it is a very important part of British lifestyle for those involved. They are often based in areas of the country that has very little if any other form of industry/work, so it is the life blood of those areas, this alone should be reason enough to protect those who work in fishing even if it means funding it to a certain extent to keep fisherman/women off the dole and letting them have a sense of worth.
Chips so far so good, when the subject matter is exhausted, hopefully without interruption of why Brexit has no benefits, would you suggest a follow up to this? If so what form would it take? Perhaps the remainers stating the benefits of remaining, without interruption from the Brexit camp? Perhaps you could (with your best impartial head on) collate concisely the Brexit Benifits from these posts, do you think there should be a timescale perhaps tomorrow evening and then close this thread? Or do we leave it open longer? we are trusting you here Chips to be a grown up in this and then if things are still going well move on to the next phase if there is one, you do seem to have exerted some influence on DA we have not heard from him since yesterday afternoon which is good, although I’m not counting my chickens, his next post may undo all your good work.
One benefit I've seen and, er, benefitted from, is that while the pound has been lagging, the stock market has been on the up and up. Its done wonders for my pension. Not too long before I can take it either...
Thanks facs. I would like to think my thread has lead to this one and hopefully when more brexit threads happen will make them all more civil and more inviting to the average user to get involved in without getting abused. Also BTIW2 is amazing at getting behind these ideas. I have to be honest though I'm glad my thread has sunk like a lead balloon because it was everything it was not meant to be. I wasn't on over the weekend come back and its like a bombs went off. But was worth a try. I see the Political Correctness thread has died down as well. All good signs.
Looks as if our PM has got a deal that keeps us paying into the EU without any say in what happens or benefits from the club. What a marvelous deal But she still has the Irish issue to deal with, that's the deal breaker.
At the moment I'm happy for this to continue as people pick up the confidence to post knowing they won't be jumped on. I'm not sure if I'm the best person collate what is seen as the benefits of brexit, btiw2 may be better at it buts lets wait and see. I think a reciprocal post from the remainers would be useful if only to get DA's blood pressure down. Should I start this now so we can give our points of view in an equally non judgemental thread? I'm open to opinions and thoughts.
That’s what I meant about rebalancing our economy. Brexit gives a chance to change the relative importance of different industries. Although, and maybe it’s because the weather’s cold, but I think I’d rather my children found jobs in the city (mmmm warm offices) where the most danger they’ll face is a sharp mechanical pencil than working on a trawler. I saw that a politician is going to throw fish into the Thames as a publicity stunt to complain about the transition. If the fishing industry increases in size by 500% it’ll still be smaller than our manufacted paper products industry (source ONS), perhaps he should throw paper planes into the Thames. I understand that fishing is important to people in fishing communities, but fishing gets much more press than U.K. manufactured leather goods (which is a similar size). My point is that I think that the press gives a misleading impression of the importance of the fishing industry (to those of us who don’t live in a fishing community). It’s a case of being penny wise and pound foolish - literally so, as the financial services sector (excluding insurance and pensions) is one hundred times more valuable than our fishing industry (again ONS - I had to exclude insurance and pensions to get the number close to one hundred and work with the penny wise analogy). I can only assume it’s the romance of the sea (if modern factory trawlers can be seen as romantic). An ancient British tradition. Perhaps blacksmiths and fletching will see a resurgence too.
Don’t do it. This worked well because you kept DA on a leash. Giving DA free rein (what’s it called when you change metaphors midstream?) to throw abuse with impunity would mean calling in the UN. I’m being a little unfair to DA. He was self-restrained. DA - have a merit point. I don’t feel the need to explain what I see as the benefits of remaining anyway. As the cliche says, God gave us two ears and one mouth, let’s use them in that ratio. Probably best to call time on the thread though before it gets abusive. Quit whilst you’re ahead.
I may miss thanking people now because I'm spending too long scrolling back through old posts. I suppose the point is fishing, like mining, is pretty site specific. You can only fish or mine on certain places and if the rules change the whole way of life built up around those industries is destroyed including all the back up services and with that there is no community any more. Office work can happen anywhere and the skills are transferable, a fisherman knows how to fish. I know blacksmiths and fletchers but again they aren't as site specific and it's not an industry as such. The common fishery policy was designed by bureaucrats and is very wasteful and benefits the factory fishermen rather the the small boats. That's my opinion anyway for what it's worth.
It’s fair point. The economy is there to serve the people, not the other way around. Still, not a job I’d fancy.
God no, at school I was taken to Markham mine training centre, I joined the army instead. Not my best move but better than going down the pit. Not much off shore fishing in Derbyshire.
It's less than 1% of EU GDP, 6.5 million tonnes of fish per year, but 60% of EU fishing grounds are what were once UK and Irish territorial waters, the 200 mile limit now being something like 12 miles. It begs the question why is the EU so determined to hold onto our fishing grounds.
Do you want to tell us more about leather goods, it's not something I'm familiar with, apart from the obvious fnarr fnarr?