Brexit. What are the benefits?

  • Thread starter Thread starter chippie244
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Yeah not bad mate, you know, same old same old, getting a bit worried about the nutters on the 'remainers' thread though, looks like they're all going into meltdown over there.
Yeah tell me about it, don't know what it is with those remainers, they kick off like nutters, then accuse everyone else of being nutters, then when someone uses a term like 'libnutters', they kick off about having a go at nutters because nutters can't help being nutters and anyone that has a go at nutters is a nutter.
I won't lie to you mate, I find it all very confusing.
Quite frankly, I wish longboat would come back on if only to give me the opportunity to have a chat with someone sensible, even if he is a northern nutter.
And another thread dies a death because the leavers can't play nicely.
What is their problem?