My post was more about the EU behaving the way it does. Instead of encouraging trade agreements, it is now actively, “ threatening “ the UK for even daring to seek a trade agreement with the USA. Acting much like a parent scolding a naughty child ( but with far worse consequences) Surely this is not the behaviour of a civilised trading block ? Sorry Chips, I had to make my point.
You’re right JJ. I didn’t say they were flowers and lollipops. That’s DA’s bag. They’re powerful and can be economically ruthless, and they’re very strong negotiators. They have lots of practice. Oh, and they’re now on the other side of the table. We were one of the big three in one of the world’s major economic (let’s be mean) mafia clans. Now, without leverage, we’re negotiating against them. I think you’re making my point for me. So don’t apologise to Chippie.
Not on here you didn't, Even DA left your thread alone so please prove that you're not an ignorant, thick, blowhard by not commenting on this thread.
We couldn't even negotiate with the DUP without bunging them a billion pounds to do something they would have done anyway and is now the main obstacle to brexit. It's almost like they don't know what they are doing.
Can I take a second to praise Filly’s contribution in the other thread though? People use the word “sovereignty” as though it’s an absolute binary state. I thought Filly did a good job of explaining how absolute sovereignty would be undesirable, and that all transactions result in some type of reduction in self-determination. We may draw the line in different places on what is lost and what is gained, but I thought his treatment of the subject was so even-handed that it could have been posted in either thread. I like to think that Filly can make a valuable contribution here too. Am I wrong Filly? Me old mucker longs has legged it, so I’m counting on you now to be the reasoned Brexiteer.
I was surprised and delighted by filly's even handed postings on the other thread which is why I'm so disappointed with the leavers reaction to this thread. I thought we were getting somewhere.
It’s not their fecklessness or impotence that’s most concerning to me. It’s their lack of vision. I know you don’t want links, memes or videos but I remembered this very short clip the other day (from a quite mediocre film). Forgive me. I think it’s worth 38 seconds. It’s not just the Conservative party either. Avoiding the issue is clever politics by the Labour Party, but it’s not inspiring. If anyone said that their vision to scrap Brexit then that’s unacceptable too (to too many people). Back to the subject What will we lose? Civility, reasoned discussion, and a sense of share direction & destiny. But we’ve already lost those.
Forgiven for the vid. The labour party grind my gears on this as much as the tories. By pandering to the kippers we seem to have lost so much and I think the two threads so far are showing this.
Not at all, the ex catholic in me thinks that redemption is possible but what it's looking like is that the leavers are untrustworthy so it's your call.
Apologies chippie, a few Friday night ales got the better of me. One thing I will say, this ain't a straight forward debate, winners and losers aren't clearly defined and it will be many years before they are. Globalisation is inevitable and to some degree necessary, global free trade is inevitable and necessary, but things have possibly moved too far too fast. Globalisation I think depends on a level playing field, to some very small degree the eu has achieved that, but there are natural divisions (southern Europe and northern Europe, then Greece), the 'euro problem' and the eu itself which has become protectionist against the outside world. At this point in time, rather than Brexit, my eyes are focussed on the USA/China trade situation, that more than anything will determine the shape of things to come, in my humble opinion.
Accepted, I don't know all the answers or even any of them but I just want us to talk about our differences rather than insulting each other.