Brexit. What do you think you will lose?

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by chippie244, Mar 21, 2018.

  1. You mean to say that Cameron got shorter shrift than Chamberlain? Hmm, interesting.

    I think it was more like:


    See? I can be more flip than you. As well as more factual. That's a double-whatsit.
    Lanc likes this.
  2. Keep your reply sensible, rational, reasoned, measured and - if at all possible - quantifiable.

    Let's begin with your very first word, 'Sorry'. No you ain't.

    Anyhoo, I think I'm supposed to say 'thank you, JJ'.
  3. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    Why, .thanks DA. Your reply contains absolutely nothing about the scandalous waste of money that is the EU monthly gravy train to Strasbourg. No comment from you on the £1.56 billion cost of this circus extravaganza. Nice one.
  4. Lol. I didn't realise that the EU ran a circus too.

    What was it like to work there?

    By that I mean keep your reply sensible, rational, reasoned, measured and - if at all possible - quantifiable. Don't just say stuff.

    Try and avoid expressions like 'scandalous', 'gravy train' and 'circus extravaganza', and definitely leave out the sarcy 'Nice one' and 'Well, thanks DA' as if you've made a point.

    If you are truly, genuinely concerned about corruption and waste for any purpose other than to try and score a cheap point and to justify your unjustifiable decision, then do some proper research using a variety of sources and then present a sensible, rational, reasoned, measured and - if at all possible - quantifiable posting.

    Or I'll have to refer you to what my right honourable friend said in post #88.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 30, 2018
    chippie244 likes this.
  5. Lanc

    Lanc Active Member

    And, what about our own beloved 'gravy train', otherwise known as the House of Lards? Don't get me started on the monarchy gravy train.
    Deleted member 11267 likes this.
  6. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    I totally agree with you regarding the House of Lords , Lanc, but disagree about the monarchy. Our Queen does a lot for this country. Harry and Wills are the way our Royal family are evolving . I have a lot of time for them. Yep there are some “ hangers on” who should be removed from the civil list.
    Anyway,,, back to DA,,,, Don’t you have anything to say regarding the EU’s monthly trip to Strasbourg ? ( apart from ripping the p*** on my choice of descriptive words about it? ) after all, you brought up the point about needless waste within the EU.
  7. Quite agree Lanc.
    We should give the Saxe-Coburg and Gothas plus all the hanger ons back to Germany as a going away present.
    That will put another £330-£350 million per year back into the public coffers.

    The palaces and castles can then be opened fully to the public bringing in more money,apartments and houses let for pepercorn rents to their croneys will bring in even more when the market rate is charged.
    chippie244 likes this.
  8. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    An even shorter history of Britain's relationship with the EU..

    1974,, Referendum.... We were lied to... Decided to remain in the trading club. Nobody complains at all.
    2016,, Referendum.... Again we were lied to...We decide to leave the Federalist EU.. Those who wanted to stay complain at every opportunity.
  9. Amen.
  10. Isitreally

    Isitreally Super Member

  11. Isitreally

    Isitreally Super Member

    That it would.

    But then offset the loss in tourism that the royals bring in and we'd be where?

    How many millions short would you like to guess at. ??
  12. Isitreally

    Isitreally Super Member

  13. There would be no loss of revenue,the tourists would still come.
    Maybe more would come if they could actually get into the palaces that we actually own.
    The tourists are looking at the buildings.
  14. Isitreally

    Isitreally Super Member

    How much is the Sovereign Grant.

    At the moment about 45 million, so the profit is roughly 445 million, those bloody royal costing us all that money. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  15. Isitreally

    Isitreally Super Member


    Building that belong to the royal family, no family, no building, no tourist. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  16. Isitreally

    Isitreally Super Member

    How many Queens are there in the world today.

    But go anyway in the world and mention the Queen and nearly everybody will think you are talking about our Queen, that's how powerful they are.
  17. The royal family does not own the buildings or the duchy's the british public do.
    France done the right thing and look at how many tourists they have.
    Do a bit of reading and you will find the true figures.Not what is getting fed out to keep the sycophants happy.
  18. btiw2

    btiw2 Screwfix Select

    I think the French palaces attract more tourist revenue than British ones. The French haven’t had a monarchy for 200 years.

    The crown retains revenue from the duchies of Cornwall and Lancaster(?), not to mention unique tax status.

    The other crown holdings (which go to the public purse) realise less than market value (crown holding place restrictions which act as a blight).

    But regardless, I’m happier now I’m a citizen rather than a subject.

    But if you all enjoy tugging your forelock and bowing to your inbred European rulers - hey! It’s a free(ish) country. I can respect that. It’s just not for me.
    Deleted member 11267 likes this.
  19. btiw2

    btiw2 Screwfix Select

    Errr just realized I’m polluting the honourable intent of Chippie’s thread by going off topic.

    Sorry Chippie.
  20. I was hoping to lose the saxe-coburg and gothas by handing them back to Germany,they could keep them then.

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