I'll only say one last thing regarding this situation, I voted leave for the following reasons,
1) I don't agree with Europe telling us how to run our country,how we deal with our criminals is our business,our food is our business,and our jobs are our business
2) I don't agree with any other country telling us how many people we must take or allow into our country.
Regarding point number one,most other countries in the world deal with their criminals as they see fit,deal drugs in the far east and it's the death penalty,murder or rape someone in the United States and it's a very long time in jail,do the crime do the time! Nobody tells these countries how to deal with their criminals,yet over here we get a murderer who gets 25 years and thinks to himself"well that's a bit harsh" he goes off to the ECHR and they say "oh no it's against his human rights,15 years max".Now what about the rights of his victim or their family? I've always said that if you execute a murderer you can be damn sure he won't do it again!
With all the food shortages how can the EU say you can't sell a cucumber because it's too bent,or a banana is too straight? food is food right,once it's been chewed up and comes out the other end a straight banana looks identical to a bent one!
I know a chap who has a business doing fruit ripening equipment,it's sold all over the world,now he had to pay a lot of money to be accredited to certain standards to comply with EU law,unfortunately as he found out this didn't help him.To sell his equipment over here he's got to be say ISO1234,which costs say £500K, to sell in France he has to have TUV456,which costs another £300K to sell in Holland it,s ISO 789,another £300K,in Belgium it's a different rule and more money to lay out.Now that's hardly a united Europe is it? Surely common sense would dictate one rule for all of Europe but no,not in his case.
Point 2 and I know this is controversial but hey wow,we're constantly being told we haven't enough money for things for our own people that we already have here yet we can apparently find money for people from abroad.A single man finds himself homeless,nobody will help him,he's no priority,we haven't enough housing stock for everyone (I know I've been there) they bring/allow foreigners in and hey presto they can find them accomodation!How? There was the much publicised first train that arrived from Europe carrying "refugees" from war torn countries,did anyone notice they were all young males? did anyone notice that most had smart phones? Now hang on a minute,charity begins at home,how can we honestly find homes for people from other countries when we cannot house our own people? Yet we are told by Europe that we MUST allow these people into our country,not only that but we have no idea who they are,there was a guy came over from eastern europe and murdered a schoolgirl,he killed himself later.He'd been done for murder in his own country yet was allowed over here!Now we are in the middle of an argument with France over who should take all the migrants from the camps in Calais,they don't want them and neither do we.Now they are not here ,yet,so surely if they entered France illegally then it's up to France to deal with the problem,send them back to their own country,I doubt that most of them are genuine refugee's anyway.
We are at risk of being overrun by a plague of locusts,we have what we have because the vast majority of people have worked to build up our country,a lot of people died during the war to protect this small island when Hitler was trying to take over,yet look at these so called refugee's.They run away from their own country,they refuse to fight,they tell stories of mass murder,of women being raped,children being slaughtered,yet they abandon them.I ask you all this before any of you make comments,if there were marauding gangs running down your street hell bent on raping your wives and murdering your children,how many of you would turn and run? Not many I'll bet,no,you'd stand and fight like men,defend your homes and families.Ok some would lose their lives but you'd make a stand for what you hold dear.Not so these "refugees" they dessert their wives and children,abandon them to whatever fate awaits them,then when they land here they don't want to integrate,obey our laws or "play the game".They want to take all they can,often behave like animals with no respect or regard for the law then,when they've brought our country down to it's knees and we can give no more they'll move on,exactly like a plague of locusts,the same applies to a lot of the eastern europeans,how many of them are commiting fraud,stealing cable and metals,commiting violent crimes? Yes I know we have our own criminals,and that's the point,we've quite enough trash in our own society,without the EU forcing us to import more!
I'm pleased you made this post, Phil - and I'm also pleased that Scott and JJ approve of it. No surprise there. (And the claim - delivered with no intentional irony - that it'll (fnurrrr) 'fall on deaf ears' through lack of 'reasoning' (fnurrrr even more...)
Because your post does sum up the level of reasoning behind very many of the Leave votes, and how there's very little substance to them when examined.
1) We - and our fellow EU countries - and most other civilised countries in the world, deal with criminality in a similar way - starting with the point that all humans are equal and should be treated with dignity. Even the ones who commit crimes. For the simple reason that if we don't treat even
these people with dignity, what right do we have to punish them for having treated someone else without dignity? The likes of Mr Ha and Scott (no doubt) with shout that "they've lost their rights by committing that crime." and I can understand where they are coming from. But once you allow judges or juries to think "Hmmm, that was a BAD crime - I think they should no lose THIS amount of human rights because they don't deserve it..." you can hopefully see where this is heading?
And that is to places like the Middle East with its death penalties (in particularly barbaric ways) or amputations or whatever. Is that what you want? Surely not.
Mr Ha will no doubt shout (he always shouts...

) "Don't be stupid - I'm not talking about cutting their hands off! You FOOL! I just mean they should live in small cages with bare stone floors and have porridge all day and not be allowed to sit or perhaps have a spike or maybe even put electrodes on it or..." before he descends into a slavering foam-mouthed fit...
So hopefully you can see that there can really only be ONE standard for human rights - and that is 'we are ALL equal and should ALL be treated with respect. If you are a crim, you'll get locked up, obviously...
We abide by AGREED human rights legislation in this country - we told the EU that these issues should be based on shared values and be universal across our countries. We agreed to this - as so we should. It is NOT a case of the EU telling us to do something we didn't agree with; it IS a case of
us getting it wrong and the EU having to tell us to get it right. And amen to that.
And let me tell you something, Phil - you should really thank your lucky stars every single day that you live under this kind of protection and not somewhere like the Middle East.
Now, if you have a
specific or individual criminal case to bring on here as an example of how warped the EU's thinking is on this issue, then please do so so's we can examine it in detail and see if it holds up to scrutiny. I don't believe it will.
As for bananas and cucumbers and that sort of malarkey,
really Phil?! You need to read up some more on these issues - I'm frankly astonished that some people are still trying to peddle these silly lines. Again, this is what I mean when I say that
very many Leavers were seriously misled and ill-informed.
And you "know a guy..." do you? And from that you decide that the EU is a pita? When, really, you should know that being a member of the EU has EASED trade between us by PHENOMENAL proportions, and as further trade deals are made betwixt the EU and the rest of the world, this will only increase further.
So, sorry, Phil - I believe you are completely wrong on all counts.
2) Again, peddling misinformation. You are happy to believe that EU citizens coming in here have
greater benefits than the indigenous people? No, they don't. They are the same. As we are all EU citizens. And you can test this - go and move to a different EU country as you are entitled to do (for the moment).
As for refugees, I would consider that as part of our moral duty as relatively well-off and
very fortunate human beings. Yes, there
is a cost to this both financial and social. Yes more resources should be provided to help. (But we take a fraction compared to some other countries - look it up).
You can cite individual cases if you like - crowded inner-city areas, separation between the immigrants and the indigenous people, instances of some individuals being highly unpleasant people. But I have to ask you, Phil - why would you want to cite unrepresentative individual cases to try and make a point about the 'immigrant' situation? When JoT - and I - have pointed out time and time again that the people coming in to our country are on average better educated and almost certainly more decent citizens than the average indigenous Brit.
And they have contributed overwhelmingly positively to our economy. And if we welcome the relative few who come on to our shores with humanity and a warm smile, they will become even better civilians.
But imagine if you, having witnessed the devastation & cruelty in your home country (some of the tales almost defy belief - have a search if you can bear it) decide to risk it
all for a better future for your family (and what is
more important in this world than your own family?) to have a chance to live in a civilised country - one you have considered all your life as being a beacon of generosity, tolerance and human rights - only to turn up and find the vitriol and hatred peddled by the likes of the BNP, NF and Farage - and swallowed whole by hoards on ignorant braying thugs - how would you feel?
What level of betrayal would you feel when even the
Great British people turn out also to be suspicious, racist, unkind, hate-filled?