Screwfix Select
I would say that I've given a somewhat accurate description of her normal behaviour. Do you not agree?Tsk, Longs.
Once upon a time you were on the more 'reasoned' wing of the Leavers on here - if that ain't an oxy'. What on earth has happened to you?
Can I ask, in all honesty, what do you think of the things that Phil (and to a slightly lesser extent, jj & Filly and 'arry) comes out with? Fair, reasoned comment?
C'mon - the truth now.
The last sentence was a bit fanciful, i must admit, because we all know that such a reaction would lead to social ostracization brought about by claims of missogonist racism.
As a response to your question, I can honestly say that if you weren't confronted with apposing views to that of your own, you would very quickly become bored and have to ask questions to which you undoubtedly already know the answer.
We are jester's, here to amuse you.