Car crash

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by facilities, May 30, 2017.


    SWBUILDERS Active Member

    I'm guessing here but think your implying that employers should pay a living wage maybe £10 a hour thus making most small businesses uneconomically viable and give even more of a monopoly to the corporations?
  2. btiw2

    btiw2 Screwfix Select

    So it's not like it was a century and half ago, and we don't have workhouses any more.

    We seem to be setting a quite a low bar for progress here.

    It's a wonder you guys haven't been approached by the Conservative party to produce slogans.



    But given your very modest ambitions for success, I have to ask... what must your customers think of you?

  3. F'ME, btiw! :D

    I'm tryin' to eat my porridge, here, man - not pebble-dash my pooter.

    Wonderful :D
    Deleted member 164349 likes this.
  4. btiw2

    btiw2 Screwfix Select

    Oh yeah, that's what I'm trying to achieve by posting in this forum.
    It's all about (inexpertly) using photoshop to remotely spray breakfast cereal onto your computer.
  5. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    I didn't think brexit would happen as didn't think May was that thick but I was wrong, she is that thick.
    If you can't afford to pay your employees a living wage then don't run a business.
  6. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    DA, spraying his 'Scots oats' onto his computer screen whenever you post a humorous comment is a rather disturbing thought.
    btiw2 likes this.
  7. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    If you want a great negotiator for brexit then don't pick May, she can't even debate with her own party let alone the electorate.
    She is spineless and useless.
  8. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    Errrr, you've lost me there. What do you mean, exactly?
  9. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    It's quite simple. There is an I missing but it's still quite easy to understand.
  10. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    If you want the UK out of the European Union, then the only hope of achieving that is to vote Tory.
  11. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    I meant the living wage bit?
  12. btiw2

    btiw2 Screwfix Select


    It's Friday. I have beer. I have whiskey (yeah whiskey with an "e"[1], deal with it DA, none of that Scottish muck[2]).

    But I don't think that'll get that image out my mind. Thanks longs.

    Where's the bleach?

    Mmmm.... Chlorine...

    [1] I.e spelling it with an "e". It's American whiskey. Don't think I've started droppings tabs and gone all aceeeed (yet).
    [2] and scotch costs a quid more.
    longboat and Jord86 like this.
  13. joinerjohn1

    joinerjohn1 Screwfix Select

    Do you employ anyone chip? If you do, I hope you're paying them the living wage of approx. £10 an hour. If you do, what do you do when there's a downturn in work? Just lay em off? If you don't then what happens when you're extremely busy? Do you turn work down?
  14. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    At the moment I'm not employing anybody as the red tape is too much hassle but when I did I was paying £150 a day.
    I was a very good employer but unfortunately some very rich bankers decided to ruin the economy and screwed my business.
    My ex workers still ask if they can work for me again..
    btiw2 likes this.
  15. btiw2

    btiw2 Screwfix Select

    Similar story from me (not the banker bit though).

    If work's gets tight then you can always find things to do that you've been putting off. If it looks like the slack will be extended then, regretfully[1], you have to let people go so they can be productive elsewhere.

    If I couldn't afford to pay a fair wage then it'd make sense for employees to work somewhere where the boss has more business sense.

    I'm not sure where you're going with this JJ.

    [1] not always regretfully. Quite frankly, there are some lazy scrotes you're happy to see the back of. This post isn't admissible in an employment tribunal is it?
  16. btiw2

    btiw2 Screwfix Select

    £150 per day?

    "Per day"? How does that work? I'm more familiar with salaried employees. "Per day" sounds like a more casual employment contract. Was there a contract or were you an evil "zero hours" kinda employer?
  17. You are obviously not conversant with the building trades, as that is how wages are generally discussed.
  18. chippie244

    chippie244 Super Member

    It was all freelance self employed workers.

    SWBUILDERS Active Member

    Thats how labour only subbies are paid day work, Or price work
  20. longboat

    longboat Screwfix Select

    You're welcome.

    I don't consider the citation completely necessary though, you do realise that drinking the 'whisky' with an 'e', casts you out as a, Trump supporter?


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