It also appears he is keeping his pronise about repealing the obamacare law. No doubt thats a good positive move too?
That's not really trump though is it.
Yes Ph Yes Phil, I think he'll be a good President. After ObamaCare his next white elephant for the chop is the climate change nonsense, it's holding back America and more so the UK.
Yes, of course it's Trump! Around 20 million Americans are about to find out they no longer have health care. Welcome to the world you have chosen, boys.
Winston Churchill is back in the oval office, after Obama removed him. This has been on the cards for ages, long before Trump even stated he'd run for the president role.
Go on then explain how getting rid if obamacare is a good move. And then tell me this isnt his first blatant lie, and proof of his establishment position, not the anti establishment position he claimed?
It's the Republicans, if trump wasn't president but another Republican was it would still be repealed. It is after all a very expensive exercise that not really working cost effectively. The republicans have promised healthcare insurance for all, this we will have to wait and see how good it is. Obama like Blair tried to be liked but a what cost.
I think the anti-science flame bait posts belong in koolpc's "God. Let's talk" thread. That way they can all be ignored in one place.
Its trump. Its what he majored on in his campaign, and he has kept his promise of making it his 1st move when in office. Pity that that promise has exposed his whole claim about himself as a lie
That's a contradictory statement, either he said he would and has, or he said he would and hasn't, can't be both. But this repeal would have happened trump or no trump.
Climate change, previously know as global warming, commonly know as nature. You know that thing that's been happening for billions of years before man even existed. But is a very good way to tax the plebs.
The repeal is his baby. He promised he would make it his 1st action in office, he kept that promise. He said he was there for the people, not the establishment. But by keeping his promise to repeal, he exposed his lie of being establishment, and not there for the people. See, by keeping his promise, he exposed his lie. Is he, or is he not, part of the establishment? See?
Really where trump in this. Taken from a CNN news story from today. Republicans have been railing against the health care law for years, using "repeal and replace Obamacare" as a political rallying cry to gin up support within the GOP base. During the presidential campaign, Trump promised his supporters that as president, he would do away with the law and that his alternative would be "something terrific." Notice the YEARS in the Artical, long before Trump.
Do you not remember him majoring it in his pre election campaigning. Do you not remember him saying it will be his 1st action? No dispute over him proving himself as establishment ? If you think he will do the world good, then I am glad we see things differently. He is a danger to ordinary working people in america and the rest of the world. Because of his position he is a threat to the world. Or is he not?
Yes and I've never said he didn't, But its not his idea, he is as leader of the republicans carrying out their wishes, he like all presidents, Obama included are just puppets to the masters. Is he a threat to the world, proberly, he is America after all, and most of todays problems directly stem from there.