Cherry pickers.

Discussion in 'Electricians' Talk' started by The Happy Builder, May 18, 2024.

  1. The Happy Builder

    The Happy Builder Screwfix Select

  2. bright_Spark

    bright_Spark Screwfix Select

    If it is an accident, I don't want to see it. My confidence is at an all time high and next week I am working on 15 mtr columns
    Ind spark likes this.
  3. Ind spark

    Ind spark Screwfix Select

  4. bright_Spark

    bright_Spark Screwfix Select

    you look at it and let me know if it is an accident
  5. Ind spark

    Ind spark Screwfix Select

    It isn't
    Deleted member 320418 likes this.
  6. bright_Spark

    bright_Spark Screwfix Select

    OMG you lied
  7. Ind spark

    Ind spark Screwfix Select

    Sorry I didnt read it properly
  8. Ind spark

    Ind spark Screwfix Select

    I found you this as an apology, it's so you o_O

  9. What you have to so is just look out for overhead cranes that may or may not be working close by.
  10. MGW

    MGW Screwfix Select

    It is so easy to make errors, I know with my own accident first question was did you do a risk assessment, answer no as the method statement is locked in the fitters container and I don't have access, second question was why were you doing the work, answer I did refuse it, but was told fitter busy I must do the job, I was lucky this was confirmed, we all know we should have any health and safety issue in writing, word of mouth is not good enough. And I had nothing in writing.

    Forman was asked to resign, and that resulted in another court case.

    However this is why we have method statements and risk assessments, if we did not put out the red flags when working on the railway we would get sacked, a train charging down the line flat out at 15 MPH can do a lot of damage, even at 5 MPH when a car fails to stop at the crossing it does a lot of damage upload_2024-5-18_14-38-46.png at least to the car, one small scratch on the engine. She said she didn't know the railway was still in use, and gave up driving.

    But it is deceptive, be it a crane or train they may go what seems to be slow, but it can do a lot of damage before it stops, in both cases lucky they were not derailed.
    bright_Spark likes this.
  11. bright_Spark

    bright_Spark Screwfix Select

    OMG that is so me alright, I would look fantastic in my black leather look pvc harness and nothing else on. Other than my tool belt
  12. bright_Spark

    bright_Spark Screwfix Select

    Ind spark likes this.
  13. upload_2024-5-18_14-48-24.jpeg
  14. MGW

    MGW Screwfix Select

    I had guys come to house to fit double glazing, I offered the harness to them a few times, but they declined, had one fell, would I be liable, likely yes.

    Where I use to work, we had roof work done, and there they were prancing about with no harnesses, I went to boss and said have you seen them, as anyone else driving past can see them, should as a firm we not be insisting on wearing a harness, he agreed and they were told to come down. The boss actually thanked me, I was not sure I had done the right thing, I felt I was snitching on them, however had some thing gone wrong, with them in plain sight could not really say we did not know what was going on.
  15. Bogle Crag

    Bogle Crag Screwfix Select

    Drove past BAE yesterday, there were a couple of guys working on the top of the DDH looked like a gantry on a crane 50m up
  16. Ind spark

    Ind spark Screwfix Select

    You ent right
  17. bright_Spark

    bright_Spark Screwfix Select

    My playground starts at 10 meters
  18. Astramax

    Astramax Super Member

    That s correct as it was an accident waiting to happen up until 9.5 seconds into the video. :oops:
    Ind spark likes this.
  19. Astramax

    Astramax Super Member

    Maybe it's Katie Price's Cherry Picker.
  20. Ind spark

    Ind spark Screwfix Select

    Na she said it was too girly for her so @bright_Spark had it :eek:

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