He made dissing religion an art form and could never acknowledge the great good that religion has done for the world. A true religious zealot the world will certainly not miss.
It is a great pity there are not more people like him especially people in power, at least then we may get some of the issues that trouble the world today sorted out for once and for all, as opposed to pusssy footing about for fear of offending.
The rise of radical islam is a great problem facing the world today. Exacerbated by the cult of atheism. So I don't think more people like him would solve anything. As british society becomes more secular and drifts away from christanity radical islam fills the void.
Yet no proof is available that can rule out the existence off a divine creator. Something cannot be created from nothing. When a magician conjures up a dove from no where you say its just a trick. An illusion. Yet when the dove appears on a speck of dust called planet earth you say its science. Science is the creator? Science can create material objects from nothing?
Hitchens was truly awesome. And is hugely missed by many, including me. The reason he was so needed in this world was to counter the likes of Ryluer who, I'm pretty sure, is chust trying to yank our chain. I hope.
Try naming one then? Condemning them all just makes you look like an idiot. Or just like hitchens, a biased zealot.