I have just sat a test in college. The question was asked, "please explain in breif why internal corners are scribed on skirting as opposed to mitred?"
My answer was that a mitre on an internal corner would pull apart if the wood cupped where as on an external mitre those same forces would push the joint tighter.
My tutor suggested that the answer should read " A scribe is used on internal corners as it gives more play when fitting to a wall out of square."
My personal feeling is that I was happy with my original answer, and would like to open a debate with him on this issue.
My books cover scribing, but they do not take into account the reasons why. So I can confidently say I must have gained the information here
. As there are a silly amount of topics covering skirting here I hoped some of those original contributors might once again grace me with their knowledge.
Finaly I would ask that those who do not scribe to please not reply to this topic as I would like to keep to the subject as oppossed to a debate about scribing or mitreing internal.
Thanks in advance
My answer was that a mitre on an internal corner would pull apart if the wood cupped where as on an external mitre those same forces would push the joint tighter.
My tutor suggested that the answer should read " A scribe is used on internal corners as it gives more play when fitting to a wall out of square."
My personal feeling is that I was happy with my original answer, and would like to open a debate with him on this issue.
My books cover scribing, but they do not take into account the reasons why. So I can confidently say I must have gained the information here

Finaly I would ask that those who do not scribe to please not reply to this topic as I would like to keep to the subject as oppossed to a debate about scribing or mitreing internal.

Thanks in advance