Confirmation for reasons to scribe internal corners on skirting

  • Thread starter Thread starter ShabbaPlanks
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I think some of the arguments are workable for some materials and/or situations.

With mdf there's no shrinkage, they hold their shape. with a decent compound mitre saw you can nip off an eigth of an inch until get a good mitred joint. no problem really. You can scribe equally as well or better for them who favour the method.

scribing seems to come into its own when using materials which are prone to deviant behaviour, after the joint is made. but this is more to do with the material than the joint. the joint has no say in the behaviour of the material, it exists to compensate.

now scribing is probably specified in the contracting, so in that case you do it. you'd also mitre if it was specified in the contrtact.

you would instinctively mitre cornicings , dado and picture rails. does anyone do these by scribing?

as for joints other than 90 deg. to some extent scribing can be retained but not without a compromise somewhere between the two methods. ie part mitre part scribe.

so in all the use of scribing comes down to a fairly narrow bandwidth of applications. whereas mitreing works for all.

whatever makes you happy i suppose. i get a lot of pleasure from doing a good mitre.
Where do I begin handy?andy, (A) Where exactly am I, "spouting the almighty" (whatever that means) (B) "know one knows you from Adam" Are you implying 15,000 posts give you more credibility than my 35 years, time served under TRADESMEN experience. (C) Point out where I said you could not cut a mitre. (D) You keep arguing because "you do the things you say you do" I, not or one moment doubt you do the things you say you do, you start by saying you cut the mitre and fit, when the matter of shrinkage arises, you "tap it in tight" when asked about any following external take it back out and cut the external, :o. YOU!, say you succeed, your responses tell me you are, as we say in the trade A PURE CHANCER. P.S. Why would you give yourself that name, (A) Delusional...(B) If you are that person... you`ve proved my point, really,  cheers.
Well, starting with the first, spouting the almighty, means that you are pretending to be God, righteous of everything.
Sorry mate. You're not. Just because YOU say something, doen't make you right, or me wrong.

That's sorted.

Secondly, no-one knows you from Adam,  so YOUR word is only as good as MINE. Why should anyone believe what YOU say ? You are just a name on a forum, same as me.


Thirdly, point out where you said that I could not cut a mitre, is when YOU say that what I have done is no good, it doesn't work, it's wrong, it's against the laws of carpentry, it's impossible, it's useless, I'm a chancer, I know nothing, I cannot possibly do a mitre and achieve as good effect as a scribe('coz it's not in the book and our teacher said so)  What tripe!

Wrong again.

More, you say, that I said, "I cut the mitre and fit, when the matter of shrinkage arises, you "tap it in tight" when asked about any following external take it back out and cut the external",

Do you have the remotest idea how LUDICROUS that sounds. ????

That sounds ludicrous because I NEVER SAID IT. I don't even understand it. You made it up in your small programmed mind. "I tap it in tight" is correct.

More,  "your responses tell me you are, as we say in the trade A PURE CHANCER".

Have you seen MY work ? NO. Then you have NO RIGHT TO TELL ME I'M A CHANCER, do you ?

I am noted on here for alternative methods, and ONLY advise or suggest things I KNOW work, because I HAVE ACHIEVED THEM.

Your view, method, amount of learning, professionalism, experience etc DOES NOT warrant dismissing alternative methods that WORK EFFECTIVELY.

Now, if you'd be so kind, chew on it.

Mr. HandyAndy - Really
Handy... Pretending to be god!!! ..WTF!...You seriously need to calm down, I will ignore the rest of the ranting and deal with the salient points.                           " Thirdly, point out where you said that I could not cut a mitre, is when YOU say that what I have done is no good, it doesn't work, it's wrong, it's against the laws of carpentry, it's impossible, it's useless, I'm a chancer, I know nothing, I cannot possibly do a mitre and achieve as good effect as a scribe('coz it's not in the book and our teacher said so)  What tripe!"... Sorry more ranting, show me where I said those things, PAY ATTENTION. Have I seen your work? I don`t have to, going on what you`ve posted here. "I am noted on here for alternate methods, and only advise or suggest things I know work" So when you say nail blindly through carpet, you KNOW that works because you have never gone through a pipe/cable. ( A point I notice you choose to ignore in your responsive  rant ). You also deny saying after "tapping in the internal, you remove and cut the external...I refer my unlearned "friend" to his response to big alls question on the same point. I`m getting the impression the things you are "noted" for on here have nothing to do with "alternative methods". Why did you also choose to ignore the question about your name?
Cityboy, where I say that YOU say that I cannot cut a good mitre, and I list the things you say, I am using that list as a quopte from other posters that YOU agree with. Therefore you are saying that too.

ie I say I cut a good mitre, YOU agree with others that I cannot etc(all those quotes I used above).

You say I am BLATANTLY WRONG. Therefore, when I say I do it well, you are saying that I am a liar.

This hurts, only because I do it, I succeed, but you are saying that I can't/mustn't, it's wrong. I say NO.

What question is it about 'my name' that I choose to ignore ?

Silly ones ? Yes,

But if you need to know, I consider myself handy, I am Andy, and I am NOT 'the' Handyandy from the telly.

Happy now ?

Listen, I have spent a long while trying different ways to do things(use to be because I might not have the proper tool at the time), and a long part of my life sorting problems that most people would not even think of fixing.
I have built up a large knowledge of 'fixing for nothing' rather than buying new, just because I enjoy fixing for nothing, and showing it off.

Let me explain the tapping in tight a bit further, because I don't think you understand what I mean(and what you said I said was wrong).

Sure, take it out and cut the external. You would have to do that after scribing the internal first anyway. You fit the scribe(the external long, mark the external, then cut the external.

I(with a mitre), cut a 45° internal, the external long and uncut. I tap this length into the corner real tight, mark the external, cut the mitre, refit it and fixit.  When I come to do the matching internal, I tap that in tight too etc.

This makes for a real tight fit, and IF the two pieces should shrink a millimetre each, BECAUSE I tapped it in tight, there will be NO gap opening up.

's my last word on the subject, having done a good and lasting job.

Mr. HandyAndy - Really
I will not even try to decipher the initial rantings, I will let you sober up and do with them what you will. You do not need to explain what you mean by "tapping in tight" it is self explanatory, what you need to explain is after "tapping in tight" you then remove to cut mitre, thereby loosening said "tight" mitre. Please stop digging further, you are becoming an embarrasment. You continue to berate tradesmen for being robots following the book, we do not follow the book, we learn tried and trusted methods that have worked for years, we are also taught to adapt to any given situation, I believe you like to call that "alternate" thinking. When you learn to actually do a scribe, you will find you do not have to "tap it in real tight":'( it will fit snug. I await your justification for advising someone to nail blindly through a carpet, as you choose to ignore previous requests, I feel I will have a long wait.
Didn't you say it was your last word on the subject , and come on didn't you once suggest to use a small nail to fix a carpet , well answer this if you please
Another one with no brain and can't read.

What the hell do you think I was talking about in my post just before yours ????????

Look out, another swimming partner for you cityboy(name says it all)

Mr. HandyAndy - Really
No , no , no , a while ago someone had a carpet which kept turning up , you suggested using a small nail , am I right or wrong
You must have forgot , come on , just be honest , no more or no less
Er, isn't 'must have forgot' very similar to 'don't remember' ?

Can you swim ?

Mr. HandyAndy - Really
blert, he once advised a poster to ignore people who said he would have to lift his carpet to fix a loose floorboard, HIS advice went along the lines of, "ignore the sheep, all you need is a 2" brad, locate loose board, nail, job done, he then went on to berate everyone who had given sound advice, I have aked him to explain this "alternate" :'( cuts me deep.
Thanks city boy , I knew something went on but wasn't sure , maybe Handy andy wants to unburden himself and tell unless he's forgotten who he is ,come on Andy
i noticed that you often mention that we wouldn't scribe dados, cornice ect but in fact you should always scribe internals every time inc coving and such like!, although i know most people mitre coving!, i always scribe internal mouldings as the method is much better!:)
"I get a lot of pleasure from doing a good mitre"...was dunc before changing my name to handyandy before changing back again because everybody was getting on to me. ;)
hey city boy are you perhaps offering an idea that wasduncbefore and handy are the same people? that would explain loads!