Cookery, blades, tools.


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The leg of lamb I put in the oven an hour ago was too long to fit in the roasting tin with the lid on, so I had to take a couple of inches (50.8mm) from the bone, shank end. I used a Bosch jigsaw with a T 345 XF Progressor (Wood and Metal) Blade.

Was this appropriate tool, and/or would a different blade have been better?

What tools have you used in your fine cookery?
The leg of lamb I put in the oven an hour ago was too long to fit in the roasting tin with the lid on, so I had to take a couple of inches (50.8mm) from the bone, shank end. I used a Bosch jigsaw with a T 345 XF Progressor (Wood and Metal) Blade.

Was this appropriate tool, and/or would a different blade have been better?

What tools have you used in your fine cookery?
Being a considerate soul I would have only cut off how much could safely fit into the oven and then let the lamb free to graze the sunny meadow.
A leg of lamb that bigger than the oven ? You forgot to take its boots off first.

I would use my meat cleaver, run it around the bone as if your nicking the armour on SWA, then whack it, cut legs of lamb before doing this, one good whack and its chopped, just have to spend a few hours repairing the table after. Don't like powered saws on bones, unless washed it leaves wet bone dust, does add flavour though.

My butcher mate sometimes used a hacksaw for boned joints and a trimming knife, always reminds me of the early surgery techniques.
A leg of lamb that bigger than the oven ? You forgot to take its boots off first.

I would use my meat cleaver, run it around the bone as if your nicking the armour on SWA, then whack it, cut legs of lamb before doing this, one good whack and its chopped, just have to spend a few hours repairing the table after. Don't like powered saws on bones, unless washed it leaves wet bone dust, does add flavour though.

My butcher mate sometimes used a hacksaw for boned joints and a trimming knife, always reminds me of the early surgery techniques.

Butchers always used hacksaws although recently I have seen bandsaws in use!
Butchers always used hacksaws although recently I have seen bandsaws in use!

My meat supplier uses a bandsaw to cut pork chops but its risky, wet fatty meat and moving blades, a few of the guys there have bits of fingers missing, only one guy will use it now, I prefer a knife and cleaver and keep my hands in one piece. The cleaver I use is an old design, thick heavy back to give it weight for the cut, a sharp knife to par and find the joint then a belt with the cleaver, need to do this on a decent butchers block though.
Went to the butchers today to buy some freshly sliced bacon, the trainee butcher who usually serves me wasn't there so I asked the butcher where was the young trainee today? the butcher said unfortunately I've had to sack him....why is that I replied, well said the butcher he put his meat in the bacon slicer...blud dy hell I said I hope you have disinfected the said the butcher I sacked her as well!!!:D:D:D:p:p
Went to the butchers today to buy some freshly sliced bacon, the trainee butcher who usually serves me wasn't there so I asked the butcher where was the young trainee today? the butcher said unfortunately I've had to sack him....why is that I replied, well said the butcher he put his meat in the bacon slicer...blud dy hell I said I hope you have disinfected the said the butcher I sacked her as well!!!:D:D:D:p:p

Old but classic !
Went to the butchers today to buy some freshly sliced bacon, the trainee butcher who usually serves me wasn't there so I asked the butcher where was the young trainee today? the butcher said unfortunately I've had to sack him....why is that I replied, well said the butcher he put his meat in the bacon slicer...blud dy hell I said I hope you have disinfected the said the butcher I sacked her as well!!!:D:D:D:p:p

It reminds me of an old friend - unfortunately no longer with us, who was a butcher. His wife divorced him for taking "payment in kind" from some customers in financial difficulty.