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I did not mention vote to join...if you are unaware of the debacle of sovereign nations being forced to revote by the EU...such as Eire, Greece, ...etc... then I can't help you further.
"local Brexit mafia mob"...........wonderful level headed, open minded attitude to rational, factual. coherent and cohesive discussion of a subject.
AS for the UK......I have already mentioned the traitorous MP's....and ex Government advisers/civil servants attempting to override the democratic will of the British people.

I remember Chukka Umunna saying on television , the morning after the polls closed in the referendum, that he would respect the will of the voters, even if they voted to leave by just one single vote. What do we have today ? He campaigns tirelessly to remain trapped in the EU. He’s a very typical MP. Disregards the people who elected him at every turn.
I did not mention vote to join...if you are unaware of the debacle of sovereign nations being forced to revote by the EU...such as Eire, Greece, ...etc... then I can't help you further.

Of course Lanc is very aware of sovereign nations being forced to vote again ( and again) until they get the result favoured by the EU. He just conveniently forgets ( or ignores) it. As I have said before , Lanc lives in a forest, but has yet to see a tree.
Let’s return to the debate in September once Sweden have had their government elections. Apparently the political group in the lead in the polls are offering the Swedish people a straight up in or out referendum on EU membership. ( no prizes for guessing why they are in the lead )
We’re not alone in Europe , believing that the EU has become too powerful and far too corrupt ( and it’s not just the Swedes who believe so )
The EU are making plenty of rude comments about Brexit, so only conclusion can be the EU knows it is going to lose a huge financier.
If for example that Greece had voted to leave the EU, call it Greexit, :) then you can be certain there wouldn’t be simikar nasty comments and threats from the EU leaders and members that have been aimed thus far against the UK.
The EU are making plenty of rude comments about Brexit, so only conclusion can be the EU knows it is going to lose a huge financier.
If for example that Greece had voted to leave the EU, call it Greexit, :) then you can be certain there wouldn’t be simikar nasty comments and threats from the EU leaders and members that have been aimed thus far against the UK.
Nah, I think you're wrong. Any country that decides to leave is in for a barrel full of nasty comments from Barnier, Junkers and their comrades. I wonder what they're going to make of Swexit ? :D :D
Nah, I think you're wrong. Any country that decides to leave is in for a barrel full of nasty comments from Barnier, Junkers and their comrades. I wonder what they're going to make of Swexit ? :D :D

Are you telling us those lovely EU leaders - Mr Barnier, Mr Junker and the others are really a nasty bunch of self centred, uncompromising, undiplomatic, unrealistic idiots?
Thanks guys, for demonstrating your synchronised, "...wonderful level headed, open minded attitude to rational, factual. coherent and cohesive discussion of a subject".

The inmates are in charge of the asylum, so I'm out of this. :) :)
Thanks guys

The inmates are in charge of the asylum, so I'm out of this. :) :)
That’s what we’ve been telling you about the EU for such a long time now Lanc. By heck, you catch on a bit slow dontcha. :D:D:D:D:D ( whatever you do, please don’t change you username to “ deleted member 33932” ;);)
I don't think Lanc is DA can't be he keeps talking about Scotland becoming independent and DA didn't want to read such things never mind type.
Although could all be one big ploy.
I remember Chukka Umunna saying on television , the morning after the polls closed in the referendum, that he would respect the will of the voters, even if they voted to leave by just one single vote. What do we have today ? He campaigns tirelessly to remain trapped in the EU. He’s a very typical MP. Disregards the people who elected him at every turn.

No he's doing the opposite, he represents a constituency that scored the highest Remain vote in the country and he represents his constituents, not the overall population of the UK.
I did mean the whole electorate Dr Bodge. He did say he would respect the outcome though ( fat chance of him respecting anything apart from his wages, expenses and future pension)
An MP doesn't represent the whole electorate, the Government might, but individual MPs represent their constituents.
He stated he would respect the outcome of the referendum, irrespective of the result. He now disrespects the outcome of the referendum, because he doesn't agree with it. In other words he's a bloody damn liar.
I don't think Lanc is DA can't be he keeps talking about Scotland becoming independent and DA didn't want to read such things never mind type.
Although could all be one big ploy.

You have hit the nail on the head, there, Broon.

Never mind all this piffle about Europe and the UK - the main question for the Brexit mafia mob has got to be "Is DA really Lanc, or (even more serious for all our futures), "Is Lanc really DA"?? It is a bit awe inspiring to have a thread named after you, because he left, and so, as I said earlier, I will consider it a compliment to be his alter ego.:eek:

Only Screwfix Peter will actually know the truth - but will he tell?? :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

[ ps My strong affiliation with Scottish matters stems from the fact I did my degree in electrical engineering at Aberdeen University]