No, not that I was aware of. AfaIk I simply wasn't able to post for that time. Scary, huh? I kept looking for peeps saying they were missing me, but alas...
Yea most forums show who is banned so it's quite useful to see who has been GBH'ed with the ban stick, much to the merriment of all the other members, I might add.
Attempts like this would extend a suspension or incur a permanent ban from posting, on an original account and any further accounts.
Firstly, I have NO side-kicks. Secondly, I am in no way acting in a sanctimonious, self-delusional or dishonest way. I am telling YOU what I think of YOU. There is NO faux outrage. There is NO outrage. No-one believes me what? I am not defending the person that may not speak proper English(it's their way, or choice). So no sanctimony. I am defending his/her right to speak in whatever speak they choose, WITHOUT you assuming that YOU have the right to tell them that they should learn English. Whoever the heck you think you are, you are NOT. You do not have the god-given right to do so. It smacks of racism or at least discrimination on your part, and I put it to YOU, that it is YOU that is the sanctimonious self-delusional and dishonest fraud. More than that, I KNOW you are. So why SHOULD he/she learn English? Do YOU forbid anything else?
Lol-de-lol. 'Rony doesn't even begin. HaHa, by now I suspect most folk on here 'knows' both of us fairly well, at least as far as we expose ourselves - our values, our ideologies, our mettle even. You keep living in your fantasy land - with your fellow suspects. What a bunch.
Long term actions speak more than short term words. Values are shown on here over a period of time. Are you relaxed and happy with previous posts and comments. I am certain some of us are, but I doubt if a few are. They shouldn't be either.
Precisely. And there's a word for when someone tries to opportunistically high-jack the other side of a cause when they have previously shown themselves to be very firmly in t'opposite camp. h y p o c r a s y
I've been on here 14 year now, man and boy. Even longer than SF.Peter. 14 year. Anyone here better that?
I fear I have. I've been on here for at least as long as I've been in this house, and that's coming up to 15 years. But I've had to change my logon a couple of times since due to weird stuff with pooters (you'll still find early posts with the same moniker tho' without Caps and stuff). Seen quite a few folk come and go. Still badly miss Lucia Stoday Clint
Ah, the good old days...the late naughties, moderators where unheard of in those days. High waisters and 12inch flares was all the rage. It was all * this and * that, turning the air blue with out potty mouthed four letter filth. It where like the wild, wild west. Still, no one really needed to hear language like that now really, did they?