easily said but chin up because its pretty certain there is someone out there is a worse state than you. Sounds like you need a clean break new location, new job, new country, new Mrs etc. it will get better, most of us have been there....
Draw strength from this 'Divorce' posting is heading towards 39,000 views.....................it says you are not alone, many, many, many other peeps are going through the same or have done..........myself included. Sometimes in life we take a step sideways or backwards in order to move forward, that's life.
Nar, they'd only went and dangled a green magic tree from the rear view. He wanted a blue one. No deal.
I am in the poo! Guy i rent a room from wants me out as he is moving away. Given me until Sept to move. And there is me thinking it cant get any worse!!
Often done that to sort my life, financially, get a house to plaster and work all waking hours , no fuel , no drive time , work is a good meditation and gets the bank balance sorted
Not around here, to many tight wads about at the moment that want all and more for the money and then let you down in the bargain!
I don’t understand why you are so negative all the time. You don’t even want to help yourself....No ones going to sort it out for you, get off your **** and do something about your situation! Rather than pleading how it’s the end of the line etc.
We all know that , just not that easy when things are shxt , nothing goes your way , chin up , appreciate each small step , I always think life isn't life without the bumps, makes you appreciate the highs