Donald Trump.

Interesting how the media portrays things.

Russia has one of those ‘fishing Rod’ cat toys to play with felines and keep them amused, when in reality it could just stamp on poor old kitty.
Putin is a rabid dog that needs putting down!

too much conversation and no action. China would do nothing, their entire economy and well being relies on the west.

far too much talk before ww2 led to emboldening hitler. Generation that have forgotten unfortunately!

has everyone forgotten sailsbury?

Russia and putin will only respond to its own demise and been given far too much rope over the last couple of decades to feel like they can do whatever they want.
He was obviously a useless shot as he missed Trump and killed someone else. I mean how could you miss the size of Trumps head with a powerful rifle. I doubt if it was a stunt but you can't help feeling this is just what he wanted to improve his running in the election in a sinister way. I'm glad he survived so as not to create more unrest in a very volatile nation.
According to the FBI, the shooter was armed with a semi-automatic AR-15. Whilst the AR-15 is a well respected battlefield weapon, a sniper rifle it ain't. Many American gun enthusiasts spend much time and ammunition blasting away at short range targets, 30 or 40 yards or so, they do not practice disciplined shooting at even moderate ranges. It takes considerably more skill to hit a 4" bull at 200yards than 20yards. Its really not sniper territory, but some skill is required