Hi Guys, I was wondering if anybody can help me choose the correct lining/frames size for my fire doors? I have an opening in my 100mm block wall which is 910mm x 2100mm.... im just a bit confused with all the sizes out there. The plastering will be done after the door frames have gone in and i know i need 5.25"/131mm thick frames to cover the 100mm block then the plasterboard and skim each side, just not sure what height and width i need. Thanks.
Depends if there are any other doors to match up to and available widths for the particular style you want. A rebated lining will be about 32mm at its thickest part so double that and you’ll be left with about 850mm give or take a few mm. You could get a 2’ 9” door in (838) and still have a bit of jiggle. No problems with height.