End of the Euro?

Discussion in 'Just Talk' started by Ryluer, Jun 29, 2015.

  1. Stupid, unsubstantiated comment. Sigh :rolleyes:
  2. Hmm. A bit cynical?

    The Euro is surely all about trying to unify Europe a bit more - after all, they are our neighbours. We are at peace with them. They are our main business partners. And we do actually quite like them...

    The Greeks should, I guess, have been made to sort themselves out before being allowed to join, but perhaps that was too 'touchy' a subject.

    You have got to hand it to the Germans, tho' - they know how to run an economy. They know how to work. They have a pretty good idea of fairness.

    Don't knock them for being where they are - we could take lessons...
  3. PaulBlackpool

    PaulBlackpool Screwfix Select

    I suppose I am a bit cynical about Europe. I would still vote to stay in though mainly because our government of any political persuasion will not IMHO have the "nouse" or the wherewithal to successfully extract us from it. It is just too complicated. Things are better left as they are.
    There are people possibly like you dare I say ?:) who are happy with a more federal Europe . There are people who would come out this evening if that was possible. In between there are millions of people who have views on Europe which don't coincide with either extreme. That includes me.
    On the subject of the referendum I shudder to think of the limited information on which the public will base their vote.
    Most peoples' votes will just be based on prejudice or jingoism or fear caused by ranting politicians and media with no real factual information being offered.
    If David Cameron does get a better deal on Europe which leads us to stay in Europe he will have gone up enormously in my estimation of him.
  4. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    If I thought for one minute you really meant this, I have to take your pants down a give you a good thrashing.

    If you did mean it then your easier to brainwash than a, well you know.
  5. Ryluer

    Ryluer Well-Known Member

    I think the referendum should have the backing of the government for leaving the EU.
    Never will happen obviously.

    Being a member of the European Union has been a one-way street for the UK. Contributions from the UK to the EU budget have outstripped the benefits received in every single year of membership!
    In total since 1979, the UK has paid in about €260 billion (£228 billion). It has received back in benefits just €163 billion.

    We have subsidized the eu project to the tune off £85 billion at today’s exchange rate.
    It would have been much higher had it not been for a certain lady.

    Tony bliar handed back 20% of it after being coerced by eu officials. So far his failure has cost the UK £4 billion.

    Still he's got his yacht in the sun and gold plated pensions. Nice work if you can get it.LoL.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2015
  6. malkie129

    malkie129 Screwfix Select

    I worked in Germany in the late nineties & have since worked for a French company in the defence trade. The EU made everything so much more simple with regard to paper-work etc. Although I am now retired, I would definitely vote to stay in.
  7. Ryluer

    Ryluer Well-Known Member

    Are you serious?
    The unnecessary red tape the eu has foisted upon the uk is staggering.
  8. malkie129

    malkie129 Screwfix Select

    Have you actually had any dealings in or with the EU, or are you just quoting some biased anti propaganda? :rolleyes:
  9. Ryluer

    Ryluer Well-Known Member

    I'm posting facts mate.
    I deal with the eu every day. Some of the legislation has severely affected our small business. For the worse.
    Back in your gun running days things were probably different.
    Pensioners and civil servants shouldn't be allowed to vote. They have a vested interest in nest feathering. And it ain't someone elses nest!
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2015
  10. malkie129

    malkie129 Screwfix Select

    Driving a French or German van don't count. :D
  11. Ryluer

    Ryluer Well-Known Member

    My van comes from Germany (VW) . The woodworking machinery to run my woodshop comes from Austria.(Felder) That's because they are the best that money can buy.
    The CEO's of those companies ain't gonna stop selling me those products just because we are outside the eu.
    Get a grip.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2015
  12. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    Hip hop hooray a factually reply that makes full sense. :)
  13. PaulBlackpool

    PaulBlackpool Screwfix Select

    With all the problems in the world today , ISIS and Putin being the main ones, bearing in mind my biased view being a citizen of the west, the possible exit of the UK from the EU is an unnecessary distraction, a mere sideshow.
    Obama wants us to stay in the EU. Putin is allegedly doing his best to destabilise the EU and would no doubt be glad if we left it. If we are in trouble who are we gonna call Obama or Putin?. The USA has come to our aid in two world wars. Granted the sinking of the Lusitania and Pearl Harbour were factors in WW1 and WW2 respectively.
    Coming back to Greece and a possible exit from the Euro I think that Greece should be given time to have its referendum and if the vote is to stay in the euro then further financial accommodation should be given.
    The alternative would be worse for everybody IMHO.
  14. Ryluer

    Ryluer Well-Known Member

    Its certain that the greeks would vote to stay in the euro. Especially since so many billions of the stuff is being shovelled their way and they ain't too bothered about paying it back.
  15. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    The Greeks are in the same boat as Ireland was, you will vote yes or suffer the consequences, ie: a total cut off of any money, this is how Germany works, did i say Germany I meant Europe, or maybe I didn't, couldn't control Europe through 2 wars, but my god they're certainly doing so now and as Maggie once said, "The Lady's not for turning", in this case the lady is the UK.
  16. We will not have rational clear-thinking comments on here, thank you very much.

    Bring back Ry - he's faaaar more entertaining...
  17. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    Well that's it then, its official the UK has finally been ground down into a country that can no longer stand on its own two feet, it needs the help of the very country that in the last 100 years has twice tried to destroy it through war, god I bet all those that died fighting for our right to give it all away are turning in thier graves wondering what the **** they bothered for.
  18. malkie129

    malkie129 Screwfix Select

    Well Phil, we agree on many things, but on the subject of Europe, I think we must agree to differ. :(
  19. Yeah. We wanna stand on oor own two feet. Shouting and shaking our fists at these other pathetic countries we used to give a bladdy good bludy nose to.

    Them were the days.

    Ooooh, I hate this 'getting on' malarkey...

    Just what the hell are you actually trying to say, Phil. Do you think before you shoot from the lip?

    Y'know what? I, too, would love to know what all these young, dead-before-their-time good men are thinking as they lie in the cold ground. I may be wrong, but I suspect most of them would say "Thank gawd all the fighting is over and everyone is getting along. It was worth it after all."
    malkie129 and chippie244 like this.
  20. Phil the Paver

    Phil the Paver Screwfix Select

    There in lies the problem, everybody isn't getting along, most and I mean most are doing what there are told, otherwise they too will end up like Greece, I really hope that Greece do leave followed by Spain, Ireland, Portugal, Italy etc, then maybe we can get back to the Europe we started with, trading partners, not one that's run by Germany under German rules.

    If we played any real roll in Europe we would be at the table discussing Greece's problems along with Germany and france, but we are not and the simply reason for that is, we are not looked upon as a leading country by Europe.

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