Try and decide what your rant is going to be about before you start... Half mill single, sponging parents? Dole bludgers? Benefit dittos? Millions of them? And this is all caused by the Poles
Most of it is caused by an over generous welfare state. A state that has been lobbied time and time again by weak minded liberal intelligentsia who have smashed virtually just about every social value in this country. Yesterday our steel fixer subbie was on site. Lets call him Fred. This is a 65 year old guy btw who could still run rings around manys a 30 year old. Still holds old skool ethics about grafting and getting his hand dirty. The kind of guy I have a lot of respect for. Never had it easy and never claimed benefits even though they might have been there for the taking. Someone he knew was dissing all the poles taking jobs in his area. So Fred put him too task and asked him specifically what job a pole had taken directly from him. Of course the bloke couldn't answer. This bloke has been on welfare for 6 months now. So Fred told him straight to his face the reason why all those poles are here is because lazy barstewards like you won't do the jobs they are willing to do. That ended the debate.
Looks like Greece have seen sense and voting no to Europe, watch Europe fall over backwards now to bail them out, stopping the total collapse of the Euro.
Yes the greeks will get another bailout with watered down austerity demands and still the gravy train rumbles on. For now.
In 1953 Greece agreed (along with other creditors) to write off half of Germany's debt, allowing the German economy to recover and prosper to it's current success. So much for "What goes around, comes around".
The money is not the's about control. The IMF bailed them out knowing full well they'd default. This will not be pretty for the Greek people...I hope they have the courage to stand firm in the coming years.
Exactly, why do you think so many poor country's have been roped in to the Euro family, yes that's right, to make Germany bigger and more powerful.
Mebbe they'd just be better paying some taxes and considering repaying the money they borrow and not expect other people to foot their bills. Greeks are lazy people. They can retire at 57 on a huge pension. And who pays for it? Cartainly not themselves. Future generations will be lumbered with debt to pay them. Same as here in the UK. And here in the UK you have to work until 70 before a paltry pension is paid out to those in the private sector. I've funded my own private pension so I ain't too bothered.
Well yes, they may not have their affairs quite in order ref tax etc, but we have to look at the bigger picture...
Banks run the show. Just ask the rothchilds. But without them where would we be? Banks can conjure money from nothing and when repaid the money suddenly becomes real. That's how western wealth was created. The greatest deceit ever created and once outlawed. It runs in line with world materialistic resources which are dwindling fast.
I think if us tax payer had a choice they wouldn't have got a penny, our money was only handed over by those who stood to gain, be it in the form of a job for the boys, or dare I say it, a Brown envelope.
And when they can't conjure it from nowhere they steal it from the public. Where would we be without them? The question is, where would they be without us.
You'd still be living in a cave without them and they would be doing just fine and dandy. I borrowed £5k from a popular high street bank once in a verbal partnership agreement with a mate. (Big mistake) Unfortuanetly my mate reneged on his part of the agreement and I was lumbered with the interest payments. When I read the small print and understood how much I would be paying them it gave me the frightners. The loan was in force for about 2 months after which I cancelled it without spending a penny of the £5k. Probably cost me about £500 for them just to re pixelate their screens back to the correct numerical order. (nice work if you can get it eh?) My so called "mate" wasn't bothered in the slightest about my loss. Never borrowed a penny since and never will. Its called living within your means. People should try it sometime.
Fair enough...but when you haven't got a pot to p*** in then a 'payday loan' may be the only 'life line'.
If we were still living in caves bankers wouldn't exist. They'd just be fat cavemen who went about in gangs stealing food from everyone else. I do agree with you about living within our means though. But if everyone did that the banks would collapse again